Recent content by 5-Gz Boers

  1. 5-Gz Boers

    Post Pics of your Leghorns

    My son Johns White leghorn pullets he saved his egg money to buy them.
  2. 5-Gz Boers

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    My son is 8 yrs old and he is now addicted to chickens his favorite breeds are RIR ( this is his saying the real dark red ones dad you no the real ones). Lol. I showed him the heratige breed vs the production reds and he loves the heratige. His other favorite breeds are white leghorns and the...
  3. 5-Gz Boers

    Post Pics of your Leghorns

    Why does some white leghorns have yellow legs and some have white?All my hens have white and I just purchased a nice roosters but h:/e as yellow. :/
  4. 5-Gz Boers

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I forgot to mention straight comb variety.
  5. 5-Gz Boers

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    We're in north central Tn and were in the search of a couple of good quality heritage Rhode Island red rooster to improve on our hens the need some work. On eyes and color.
  6. 5-Gz Boers

    Going to Poultry Hollow (Brush Creek, TN) Tomorrow, will give an update when I get back home.

    We went there ourselves and wouldn't buy anything but a bucket water it was so nasty and dead chickens everywhere how they stay in business I'll never know. I bleached the new bucket water before I used it. We bleached our shoes because of bringing in diseases. To our flock. :(
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