Recent content by almanquail

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    Egg Incubator Hatcher, in Virginia

    120 eggs fully automatic incubator, if you want to use it as a Hatcher it will hold 300 or more eggs. Pre-programmed settings for different types of eggs, you can also choose your own settings. Asking $500.
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    Bleeding chick with unabsorbed yolk HELP

    Sorry to hear that, it sounds like the temperature was little higher than normal during incubation stage.
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    Regarding hatching

    I never used that incubator but in general four things are important for better hatch rate, temperature, humidity, oxygen and egg rotation, find out which one of these your incubator couldn't provide at optimal level. How old were the eggs before adding to the incubator? how they were stored and...
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    Bleeding chick with unabsorbed yolk HELP

    What temperature you set the incubator at?
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    Chickcozy Incubator Temperature Trouble

    I would try to relocate the sensor and use another humidity and temperature sensor to compare the readings, you may want to reduce the temperature a bit after introducing the eggs when the chicks start to devolope as they will produce heat as well.
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    Total Water Consumption During Incubation

    How many eggs did you hatch on that incubator?
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    Total Water Consumption During Incubation

    Thank you, I also couldn't find specific answer on google search, I was hoping to see if someone documented the total water they added for 21 days in a certain incubator, just looking for average number of quarts, gallons of water used.
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    Total Water Consumption During Incubation

    Greetings, I want to know what is the total water consumption in an incubator during 21 days for chicken eggs, I understand the they are many factors that affect humidity inside the incubator but on average how much water does an egg incubator consumes during the whole hatching period?
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    is sepiolita safe for quails to use as dust baths??

    I give finished compost from my wormbin to my quail, they eat the critters in it and use it as dust bath as it drys up.
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    Any egg pips?
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    Yes, remove the egg turner, increase humidity and prepare your brooder. at the lockdown stage the chicks will continue to absorb the yolk which will provide them with nutrients after the hatch.
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    You welcome, I am at day 16th now and so far I got 8 hatched.. What kind of incubator are you using? does it have an egg turner? if so you may turn it off at day 14th to be safe.
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    Most likely they will start hatching at day 16th, they will poke a hole in the shell first and after several hours they will hatch, after the chicks hatched leave them in the incubator for few hours to dry up before putting them in the brooder, only open the incubator when you have to.
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    I would just leave them alone.
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