Recent content by amanda_rimo

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    White duck poop? Is it normal?

    Okay. The directions say 14ml per pound and she is 6 pounds but we only have a 60ml syringe. We did a small amount earlier for the first time tube feeding.
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    White duck poop? Is it normal?

    As of today she is really drinking at all. Maybe a sip or two in the pool
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    White duck poop? Is it normal?

    If she isn’t drinking enough water while we are tube feeding her, do we add in tube feeds of pedialyte too? Or is the tube feeding mixture enough liquid for now?
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    White duck poop? Is it normal?

    Just a little update on Dewey (this picture is from yesterday) she is the sweetest girl ever and even when she isn’t sick she enjoys sitting on her mom’s lap and is always smiling. We started tube feeding her today. We did pedialyte with baytril and niacin first and she pooped within like 10...
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    White duck poop? Is it normal?

    So the directions don’t say about the food. Do I mix it with liquid when tube feeding?
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    White duck poop? Is it normal?

    Do you do liquid first when you start tube feeding? She isn’t pooping a lot right now. But she will sip water here and there. How do you make the mixture? I didn’t see it say the mixture in the post. We are only going to be able to tube feed her twice a day. We keep putting her in the pool to...
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    White duck poop? Is it normal?

    The nail bed doesn’t look infected. I ordered the stuff for tube feeding, but when do you tube feed? She ate a bit of mash last night, but won’t touch it today. We did get her to eat some peas today a good handful or two. But she can’t stay awake. We started baytril last night. Can the baytril...
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    White duck poop? Is it normal?

    Is there a link to tube feeding? I’ll look into it. Also if we give her the baytril is it harmful if she actually doesn’t need it? We have it and are willing to give it to her as long as it won’t be harmful. She did break her back nail off like 2 months ago. But the nail never grew back. I...
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    White duck poop? Is it normal?

    A vet is definitely not an option unless we want to put her down. That’s all the avian vet by us will do. Basically told us she won’t help us the last time we brought her in unless that was our reason for visiting. She is just so tired all the time and we definitely don’t think she is laying bc...
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    White duck poop? Is it normal?

    It seems as though our pekin(dewey) can’t stay awake. She is just laying down all day. Even when we put her in the pool she is falling asleep. She only perks up every once in a while in the pool to splash around a bit or if we throw blueberries or peas in the water. I just put crushed ice in the...
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    White duck poop? Is it normal?

    Okay thank you. We are doing that. We actually give her liquid b complex everyday no matter what because she is a pekin. We were just extra worried bc of her poop being so white and we weren’t sure if she was laying eggs or not.
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    White duck poop? Is it normal?

    No we checked her foot. We don’t see anything on her foot.
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    White duck poop? Is it normal?

    We have 2 ducks and have been coming out to only 1 egg every morning, so we aren’t sure if it’s from one duck or if they are taking turns laying? She has been babying her foot for about 2 weeks now. She can walk on it, but barely putting pressure on it and leaning mostly to the right side. She...
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    White duck poop? Is it normal?

    Is this normal poop? Our pekin is acting strange. She is also really babying her left foot. But she isn’t waking around very much and isn’t eating a whole bunch. We just gave her calcium gluconate because we are worried she isn’t laying eggs either. And we are giving her extra liquid b complex...
  15. A

    Help. Our duck is breathing weird

    Very heavy sad hearts here today… peachy passed away last night overnight. We have a camera to watch them and it was horrific, but it happened fast… she ended up prolapsing… our hearts are hurting… but we have great memories with her. Our other two girls are sad and they were crying, they had...
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