Recent content by Avocadoman

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    Chickens belly red and irritated

    Chickens pull out their under feathers when they are broody.
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    Can a hen be "Lesbian" ?

    lol, it's not been scientifically proven that it's genetic, but there are a few weak genetic correlations. There are also a lot of socialization factors. My hen Fran started to behave quite male once I gave my rooster the axe; she didn't behave like this at all before. It might simply be...
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    Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

    I clicked "once a month" only because I only have four hens now and the coop can easily handle 8-10 chickens so there's not much poop load. When I had a rooster and 7 hens I was cleaning it every week or two.
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    Does anyone actually have a friendly pet rooster?

    TWO YEARS...oh he'll be in the stew pot WAY Before then if he can't get it together.
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    Observations on two roosters

    when they are trying to eat you and the mail man and tearing out the feathers of all your hens while fighting each other and crowing at 3am, the only choice you'll be thinking about is adobo or curry.
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    Catching chicken snacks

    they sure do look like a dark variety of June Bug to me.
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    Three soft eggs in one night!!!

    Good to know, the birds and squirrels raiding everything in the chicken run is a problem, no reason for me to encourage them further. Maybe I'll just go back and try getting some oyster shell and quit being a cheap skate although I suspect they don't eat it. One more soft egg last night under...
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    Three soft eggs in one night!!!

    well they can always opt out of cheese by simply not eating it which they occasionally do. Oyster shell does harm to my pocket book if its just sitting there. I certainly am not going to waste money on anything they refuse to eat. I might try ye old eggshell trick.
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    Three soft eggs in one night!!!

    For sure I worried about the dairy but my chickens seem to have no problem with it. Sharp cheeses have most of the lactose fermented out of them anyway so if lactose intolerance was an issue the sharp cheeses I share with them should not be a problem anyway. Cheese is one of the highest...
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    Three soft eggs in one night!!!

    My best layer has been suddenly laying soft shelled eggs from her roost at night for the last week, now her bestie friend who is a new layer is doing the same. I expect the new layer to do this, but my best layer doing it so often who has been laying for over three months consistently, is...
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    Pesticides and chickens ???

    Permethrin (poultry powder) works great on bird lice, just used it on a sick hen who couldn't dirt-bathe and ended up getting lice, the lice were gone in 24 hours and my hen is laying again.
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    Pesticides and chickens ???

    This is not true at all. Unfortunately our perception of the risks of pesticides is tainted with chemophobia thanks to Rachel Carson's propaganda. Different pesticides function on different chemistry and biology and may affect insects in entirely different ways than birds or mammals. For...
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    Coryza smell- does it last forever?

    I'm curious what the smell is like. I have one chronically ill chicken that has a gross smell that I can't quite describe. My other chickens have had CRD symptoms which cleared up and there was never any smell, this one is a bit different, so maybe this one has coryza. I'm not sure....she...
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    Paralyzed Chicken

    I have a flock with CRD and one is now exhibiting Marek's - like paralysis...I can't win with chickens, they all have least I got one viable egg
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    Die No Mite Strips

    being corrosive does not make it toxic. Table salt is also highly corrosive, particularly to steel.
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