Recent content by Belrose

  1. B

    Vacation and duck

    She has a huge mirror in the yard and another one in the coop. Taking her with me is not an option, we are flying overseas. We never got another duck because the vet pretty much told us about a year ago that she had egg yolk peritonitis and would probably not live much longer. But she's defying...
  2. B

    Vacation and duck

    I have one lone female pekin ducks. We originally had 3 and raised them as pets but sadly 2 have died. She's been alone since (about a 1.5 year) and she's almost 3. She no longer lays eggs either. About a year ago, she developed a big belly, and the vet took a sample, tested it and diagnosed...
  3. B

    Pekin duck - Egg yolk peritonitis

    Sorry, it was on another thread
  4. B

    Pekin duck - Egg yolk peritonitis

    Just careful not to drain too much at once as it can put her on shock. The video posted here really helped. I did 2 60ml syringes at a time. After the 3rd time I only got half and nothing after that. Not sure what's going on.... but just beware of not doing too much at once. Good luck!
  5. B

    Pekin duck - Egg yolk peritonitis

    I have not tried Enrofloxacin. After we ran out of the antibiotics the vet gave her, we did a round of Baytril. I'm debating if I should do another round at some point. It's so hard not knowing! Keep me posted on how she does. ❤️
  6. B

    Pekin duck - Egg yolk peritonitis

    She's still the same! Clinically well, although her belly is still super big. I have tried draining more but the last 3 times literally nothing came out. I've been giving her drops of oregano oil in her water.... and really have no idea what else to do! Good luck with your duckie too
  7. B

    Pekin duck - Egg yolk peritonitis

    UPDATE # 2 She's now been on Baytril about 5 days. Once a day. She still looks swollen but I cannot seem to drain anything anymore!! I have tried twice and literally nothing in the syringe... IDK what to think anymore! Her behavior is still pretty normal- in fact she's been quacking loud as...
  8. B

    Pekin duck - Egg yolk peritonitis

    UPDATE: I drained another 120ml today (see pic). It was less green-ish and more brown-ish, and slightly foamy. Afterwards we weighed her at 11.1lbs. One question: I gave her 0.5ml of Baytril tonight in a syringe- I can't put it in her water because she gets fresh water from a hose...
  9. B

    Pekin duck - Egg yolk peritonitis

    Thanks to everyone so far! ❤️ This is the pic of the antibiotics she was having. She had 3 courses in a row and ran out a couple of days ago. We do have Baytril and I'm probably going to try draining her some more tomorrow and start the Baytril. Will probably restart the Meloxicam on a couple...
  10. B

    Pekin duck - Egg yolk peritonitis

    Hello. I have a 2yo Pekin that has had a distended belly for a few months. She acts completely normal, except she hasn't laid an egg in months.... and the last few she did were soft shelled or super small... Anyway, I thought she had water belly so about a month ago I took her to the vet. He...
  11. B

    Is this water belly? Pekin

    Thank you so much for the video and well wishes. We took her to the vet, they did a sample draining (it was grey!) and everything was looking grim. It turned out it's egg yolk peritonitis. We can't afford surgery, much less without a good prognosis. But we've been doing antibiotics and...
  12. B

    Is this water belly? Pekin

    My almost 1yo Pekin has this belly - it feels hard, kind of like a water baloon. It also sits pretty low when she's standing. It doesn't quite feel like an egg, even though I don't really know what an egg would feel like. I don't know if this is related or not but just adding info: she hasn't...
  13. B

    Duck labored breathing

    You were more helpful than you can imagine. ❤️ Thank you!!
  14. B

    Duck labored breathing

    Hi @Quatie , I just wanted to let you know she passed away on Sunday. 😔 Thank you so so much for all your insights and all your priceless help. ❤️
  15. B

    Duck labored breathing

    Hi @Quatie ! Thanks for asking, and sorry for taking a little bit to get back to you... it's been a day! She's not worse, but she's not much better. The labored breathing improved, although she still has sporadic episodes. But mostly I'm still worried because she's still not drinking or eating...
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