Recent content by Chold05

  1. Chold05

    Is this a cataract?

    😭thank you. I’ll schedule an appt with the vet to confirm. I’m sure my other girls are at risk for infection?
  2. Chold05

    Is this a cataract?

    I recently noticed a change in My 4 year old cuckoo Marans right eye. It was never really swollen, no sign of injury, etc. I just noticed the shape was slightly different one day. I went ahead and treated with saline and terrimycn but didn’t notice a difference. She’s had a history of health...
  3. Chold05

    Chicken is going blind

    @Eggcessive I’m also wondering if my girl is going blind in one eye. She’s a little over 4. Acting normal but I noticed the shape and color is slightly different than her other eye. Eye in question is the photo on the right in the collage.
  4. Chold05

    Swollen eye

    it never fails- something goes awry before leaving for vacation. 🤦🏽‍♀️ All of a sudden my 4 year old hen has a swollen eye. I’ve dealt with several of swollen eyes in the past which were most often caused by a tick bite, but I never found a tick on her. She’s acting normal. No discharge from...
  5. Chold05

    Pale comb after molting... why?

    I wouldn’t trim anything. Just keep an eye on her food intake to make sure she’s eating enough.
  6. Chold05

    Pale comb after molting... why?

    Did something happen to her break? I noticed the top is shorter than the bottom. Asking because if there was an injury it could explain some of her low key behavior. It can also be more difficult for her to eat.
  7. Chold05

    Suprelorin implant with an already formed egg

    One of my hens had the implant as well. She was having some health issues and we were hoping the implant would stop laying.... The vet never mentioned this... we just implanted it.
  8. Chold05

    Pale comb after molting... why?

    Combs and wattles shrink and are pale during molt and winter months. Birds molt at different rates. Everything looks totally normal to me. It might still a little early for her to be laying; they lay based on sunlight so I wouldnt worry too much. Every chicken is different as to when they go...
  9. Chold05

    Frozen poop question

    Hello friends! Does anyone else deal with frozen poop in their coop? Today is SW pa it was 12 with a wind chill of like 0. We’ve been on a wind advisory for the last 2 days with gusts over 40. I came out to frozen poop, which, I suppose given the weather should be expected but it got me...
  10. Chold05

    Beards & water

    I’m new to keeping chickens with beards. I have one that’s 8 months old & suddenly her beard is super messy. I have to assume it’s from drinking… I have both a nipple waterer and a regular waterer. With winter about to start, I’m concerned with frost bite. I’m going to take the regular water...
  11. Chold05

    Hard mass?

    Thank you… I don’t think I’ll be able to get a clear photo of the mass based on its location, but I’ll give it a shot.
  12. Chold05

    Hard mass?

    Hello friends! My 3.5 year old Maran is molting. She’s been molting for a few weeks now and hasnt laid since. Vet confirmed she has waterbelly and we’ve drained her a few times over her life span. For some reason it seems to clear up when she’s molting. Idk why. Anyway- I was checking her...
  13. Chold05

    Hen with an impacted crop? Please help!

    That’s wonderful news! Glad she’s doing better!
  14. Chold05

    Broken leg? Sprain? How to tell

    I’m so glad to hear that helped! I will try it with my hen tomorrow.
  15. Chold05

    Fluffy Butt Friday contest #2! - Ends October 19th, 2023

    Opal's fluff, hitchin a ride 😂
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