Recent content by CITYS84

  1. CITYS84

    Light Sussex at 4 weeks

    Light Sussex at 4 weeks
  2. CITYS84

    My welsummer boys at 4 weeks

    My welsummer boys at 4 weeks
  3. CITYS84

    M/F?? buff Orpington chicks 5 weeks

    Thank you. He’s a welsummer!
  4. CITYS84

    M/F?? buff Orpington chicks 5 weeks

  5. CITYS84

    Babies now 5 weeks old[ATTACH]

    Babies now 5 weeks old
  6. CITYS84

    Added a copper maran and bason white to the flock last weekend [ATTACH]

    Added a copper maran and bason white to the flock last weekend
  7. CITYS84

    Sexing Welsummer Chicks

    Cool likely one of each then! I have two 2 week old welsummers both with the eyeliner and dark v stripe but one is possibly developing a slightly pink comb… Will monitor!
  8. CITYS84

    Sexing Welsummer Chicks

    I think both boys… how are they looking now?
  9. CITYS84

    2 weeks old. The welsummers and light Sussex growing rapidly and the others not far behind. Some...

    2 weeks old. The welsummers and light Sussex growing rapidly and the others not far behind. Some short flights already taking place. Another trip outside yesterday but raining today so indoors.
  10. CITYS84

    1 week (7-9 days old) first trip outside with mama hen. Two aunty hens came close and have...

    1 week (7-9 days old) first trip outside with mama hen. Two aunty hens came close and have learned not to!
  11. CITYS84

    4-6 days old. The chicks all have tail feathers and are sprouting wings except the Buff...

    4-6 days old. The chicks all have tail feathers and are sprouting wings except the Buff Orpington’s who have no tail feathers yet. The yellow BO has grown bigger and stands taller and louder. Maybe a Roo. The gingery spotty BO is squatter and quieter, hopefully a pullet.
  12. CITYS84

    Day 22. Broody is off the nest. Last egg failed. Six lovely happy chicks.[ATTACH]

    Day 22. Broody is off the nest. Last egg failed. Six lovely happy chicks.
  13. CITYS84

    Color sexing Buff Orpingtons 1 day old

    Chick 2. Buff Orpington. Ginger stripe on back of head. Wing feathers day 1. M/F/impossible to tell?!
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