Recent content by CloneFly

  1. CloneFly


    Hello! I sent you a message in regards to the flock. Please take a look and shoot me a response at your earliest convenience :)
  2. CloneFly

    Cause of sunken eyes?

    Hello! I know this is an old thread, but out of curiosity, did your he's condition ever correct itself? I have an amererucana that's about the same age who's displaying the same symptoms. Her weight is normal and she's about midtier in the pecking order
  3. CloneFly


    Oooh, perfect, thank you! I will talk to my family and DM you with their response!
  4. CloneFly


    Where in SoCal are you located? Also, do you have any pictures of the coops & chickens?
  5. CloneFly

    Chicken with missing neck and bum feathers

    I agree with Wyorp Rock. I had two Jersey Giants that were bare bottomed, had the rattiest neck feathers and were practically bald for a year due to pecking. I sewed a chicken saddle, and that seemed to help stop the bullying a bit, but it took nearly a year for their feathers to come back. If...
  6. CloneFly

    Scratch grains vs prepared feed

    This is the article I followed:
  7. CloneFly

    Scratch grains vs prepared feed

    Personally, I buy the higher protein game feed for my flock (chickens, goose, turkey, quail) and use it as a supplemental feed to a mix of fermented grains. I've only been using this method for a few months, but have found that my girls are eating less, have better body composition, less health...
  8. CloneFly

    Blind chick (I don’t think she has eyes or not yet opened!) 😢

    Do you have a picture of the chick? You will probably need to raise her separately to give her a chance.
  9. CloneFly

    Found baby chick on our porch

    Also, welcome to the BYC!
  10. CloneFly

    Found baby chick on our porch

    Regular triple antibiotic will be fine, so long as it doesn’t have "pain relief" in it. I would turn on the heat lamp so you can monitor the little one for a bit before you head off to get some rest. If you have a thermometer, you'll want it about 95ish. Has the chick been drinking? It won't...
  11. CloneFly

    Official BYC Poll: How often do you change your chickens' water in hot weather?

    Ideally, we change the chickens' water daily, but my younger brother is in charge of water duty and occasionally it gets put off to "every other day".... or whenever I start chewing his ear off :rant:smack
  12. CloneFly

    Burst Artery?

    Thank you. We've had parrots/birds longer than chickens, so it was definitely an experience... she was a sweet one but I can’t get over how quickly it all happened. Vet said it may have been canary pox? I've never heard of pox causing arterial spurts though :idunno
  13. CloneFly

    Burst Artery?

    Hello all! Curious question for those of you who've kept birds- have you ever had an instance where a major artery literally explodes? We had a 2yr/o canary that had a bad case of scaley mites which we had treated by a vet 2x (revolution and doxycycline). Yesterday I noticed she wasn't getting...
  14. CloneFly

    Corturnix Quail

    Hello! Are you in South Orange County SoCal?
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