Recent content by Cloverr39

  1. Cloverr39

    Recommend quarantine period for new hens 21 or 30 days??

    I've heard to do at least 30 days.
  2. Cloverr39

    USA type silkies – my opinion and discussion

    Of course there are, I never said there weren't any with smaller crests :) I was commenting on the American SOP for silkies being the way it is. That doesn't mean there aren't hatchery quality, pet quality, or European standard silkies in America as well.
  3. Cloverr39

    USA type silkies – my opinion and discussion

    Before I start I want to say that I mean absolutely no hate to USA type silkies or silkies in general. They are and likely always will be my favorite breed of chicken. I'm just sharing my opinion on USA silkies, as a person from Europe. I'm having a hard time finding an official side by side...
  4. Cloverr39

    Clover's 2024 chicks

    That's understandable. With other breeds you may have to wait till they're closer to the 2 month mark, to ensure the band stays on, but as I said before with my silkies the 5th toe kept it from falling off. Here's a picture of one of my birds with a newly put on band. You can see how it rests on...
  5. Cloverr39

    Clover's 2024 chicks

    Well, no. Unless you have a young chick who's band has fallen off and you put on a new one. You cannot put a band on an older bird in a way that leaves the band intact.
  6. Cloverr39

    Clover's 2024 chicks

    That's when the chick's leg is small enough for the band to be slipped on, but big enough that it won't fall off. I've seen some people put a zip tie under the band for a little bit until it won't fall off anymore. I put them on when my silkies were 1 month old and because of the 5th toe...
  7. Cloverr39

    Clover's 2024 chicks

    They're permanent, so you need to order the size that is meant for the breed you have. I think in other breeds roosters and hens had different sizes, but silkies have one size for both. You put them on around 1 month to 2 months of age and they stay on forever, which is why it's important to...
  8. Cloverr39

    Experimental & other Hatch-a-long

    Pictures of the older babies from Oakley and Chrissy. The 2nd photo is of the mystery chick. Looks standard sized, lavender, single comb. I wonder what breed or mix it is. Hoping she's a pullet. 3 of the incubator chicks hatched. Two cuckoo, one of which has feathered feet. One is from my...
  9. Cloverr39

    Experimental & other Hatch-a-long

    I'll be honest I had completely forgotten Smokey was sitting on eggs. Which is why I was surprised to see chicks in the nest this morning. All but one have hatched and the last has pipped. Now unfortunately more than half (silkies) have single combs. At this point I'm not sure if it's easier to...
  10. Cloverr39

    6 weeks , boy or girl?

    I'm going to say cockerel.
  11. Cloverr39

    Roo or Hen?

    I'm leaning more towards cockerel.
  12. Cloverr39

    Silkie x Sapphire Olive Egger mix

    The mother is blue with leakage. Mixes can be paint too. Many other breeds can be paint. Paint is just a color. It's one copy of dominant white over black. The father would have to be the paint silkie because he passed on a copy of dominant white to his chicks.
  13. Cloverr39

    Silkie x Sapphire Olive Egger mix

    By grey do you mean the mother is blue or silver partridge which is sometimes called grey in silkies? My guess is paint or blue paint but it's hard to know until the feathers come in.
  14. Cloverr39


    The paint is a cockerel. Leaning cockerel for the black as well.
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