Recent content by Countrylife19

  1. C

    Chicken being bullied

    It's hard because I have 16 chickens altogether and the ones Belle gets along with are the other ones that get picked on.. but I do feel like I will probably have to separate her for a while. I just feel bad because it will make it more difficult to get her outside separate from the others but...
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    Chicken being bullied

    I have a isa brown Belle she was sick I successfully integrated her back into the flock. But she has some concerning behaviors so I think when I'm not home she is being bullied. She runs to the outside watering container as soon as I open the door in the morning. She sits in the tunnel and won't...
  3. C

    Putting a chicken back in the flock

    I was in the same position. But my Belle was out of the coop for at least a month. Someone suggested to me putting her in when it was completely dark and then they accept the "new" chicken easier. So I just had a small flashlight trained on the ground so I didn't hurt myself and put her on the...
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    Putting a chicken back in the flock

    I had a chicken who was sick was in the house for a while. She is doing better. She was in a large dog cage inside the coop for about a week where the other chickens could see her but not touch her. Yesterday I let them all out for their weekly free range in the yard. I tried to incorporate...
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    Chicken sick after standing in rain

    They do have access to the inside and outside during the day it was nighttime and all the other chicken's went in earlier except her..she is in the house so I can keep an eye on her until she is ready to go back with the others..I tried to give her hydro hen in her water to give her electrolytes...
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    Chicken sick after standing in rain

    My chicken has been sick about a week..last weekend I found her in the coop tunnel soaking wet from the rain and lethargic I took her into the house. She was only drinking but now has started eating a little again..she has lost a lot of weight so I'm worried about her. She is an isa brown about...
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    What's app grief group

    Would anyone be interested in joining a what's app grief group for chickens? Just a way to connect and support chicken parents who need to someone to connect to in a difficult time of mourning
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    Grief group

    I have made plenty of mistakes too that I have felt guilty about. I always learn something new. Depending on where you live and how much space you have and how many chickens and how big they are; can you bring them in the house for a while? I bought a dog kennel cage and when I have a sick...
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    Grief group

    Thank you. The anniversary for one of them is coming up and it's hard because it was her birthday and the day she died and it's my boyfriend's birthday. And then recently I had a death anniversary for one and the next day I had another one die
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    Grief group

    Hi as everyone knows as long time chicken owners it is inevitable that eventually we lose our babies I lost 10 to death and 6 I had to adapt out. I joined a free grief group online but it seems no one besides me has lost chickens. Everyone else talks about dogs and cats..I was wondering if...
  11. C

    Sick chicken please help

    I have a sick isa brown she was really sluggish we brought her inside she was thirsty she drank inside for a week was better i started transitioning her back into coop she got worse very tired again issues with her balance she is very floppy will not eat or drink very sleepy i took her with me...
  12. C

    Reintroducing chicken into the flock

    Hi I have a barred rock chicken. She was unable to walk ate some plants she shouldn't have. She was kept in the house for a while was doing a lot better so I put her in the infirmary where she can see all the others but they cant interact physically. She is doing really well 95 percent normal. I...
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    Sick leghorn

    My leghorn got hurt yesterday. She somehow hurt her leg could not fly yesterday afternoon very listless. She cannot put weight on one leg but today she is able to fly a little holding her leg up. She has more energy eating and drinking well. Leg does not seem to be broken. It was very swishy mud...
  14. C

    Why do my chickens only lay in 1 box?

    They started using other nesting boxes due to necessity. We now have between 9 and 12 out of the 19 chickens laying a day
  15. C

    Why do my chickens only lay in 1 box?

    Our lead chicken our eldest Elda she is a leghorn does use that box to lay her eggs and she is the boss. Def the alpha hen of the henhouse.
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