Recent content by EggSighted4Life

  1. EggSighted4Life

    Water Blister on hen's side

    Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow What is her age? Water blisters on the legs and in other areas is exactly how my aunts heart disease (and kidney failure) progressed.. Some humans get dyalisis to slow the progression. This possibility really only came to me because of her breed. Separation is...
  2. EggSighted4Life

    Roo or pullet? Golden laced Wyandotte

    Nice, the stated age confirms they are indeed pullets! :celebrate A lot of the things that *used* to indicate cockerel (for GLW specifically and in my experience).. like the poor lacing quality on the chest in pic #1 now just indicates hatchery/pet/layer quality as opposed to breeding or show...
  3. EggSighted4Life

    Roo or pullet? Golden laced Wyandotte

    Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow I'm never sure if pic 2 is supposed to be next to or below in how it lines up on my screen. Both of the Golden laced Wyandottes look like pullets. What is their age?
  4. EggSighted4Life

    Pesky nats

    It may be serious.. I've seen reports on here that indicate such. Some useful info.. I'd...
  5. EggSighted4Life

    Really Red Face…Sick?

    Please note my prior statements are regarding face, wattles, and comb.. coupled with the pics that were posted and questions being asked.. But angry red skin below the vent or on the abdomen or anywhere else that should be light pink or yellowish (even greyish depending on breed) is or can be...
  6. EggSighted4Life

    Really Red Face…Sick?

    They'll all turn red, just at differnt rates. Sometimes it can be an early indicator of gender. While other times it can be temperature or excitement flushing while juvenile. And as they get a little older it can be a sign of laying hormones starting to set in on the gals.. usually a good 4...
  7. EggSighted4Life

    Too late to turn?

    Turning is especially crucial in the early stages of incubation and less so in the later.. according to my current understanding and all the research I've done. My actual experience hatching is that sometimes we mess it all up and life still finds a way! :fl
  8. EggSighted4Life

    Birds with rose/pea combs

    Depending on age and if they're a henny feathered breed like seabrite or not.. the saddle feathers will be gender specific. The cockerels and roosters are still significantly larger/taller combed than the pullets and hens.. and will still turn fully red (not to be confused with temperature or...
  9. EggSighted4Life

    3week old chicks with tumors

    That's not Marek's.. which takes at least 3 weeks after exposure before ANY symptoms can be seen. I agree with the first two assessments (full crop, feather picking) and am unsure of the the 3rd due to placement and inability to truly make anything out visually. The NN is obvious.. but the...
  10. EggSighted4Life

    Hen suddenly acting lame! Seeking explanation, advice, guidance for self-treatment if possible!

    Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Sorry one of your birds is having difficulty and experiencing paralysis. :( Sounds like Marek's is a possibility and since the vaccine is not 100% effective at HIDING the symptoms and it does NOT prevent the disease nor do symptoms effect entire flocks in the...
  11. EggSighted4Life

    The Mystery of the Missing Eggs

    Hi, welcome to BYC! :frow This increases fat significantly.. and possibly some vitamins or things like linoleeic acid etc.. but not protein. The breakdown looks pretty close to 15% protein from most sources..
  12. EggSighted4Life

    Can I portion out my mareks vaccine instead of mixing the whole thing

    My coffee also comes in a "resealable" container.. but it's nitrogen flushed before I open it.. which prevents oxygen from interacting with the contents. It quickly oxidizes and degrades thereafter. The 1000 dose vial is what keeps many small hatchers from vaccinating. If the cost is worth it...
  13. EggSighted4Life

    Will baking soda be ok around chickens?

    In the right amount.. increased carcass and egg weight, harder shells. In the wrong amounts.. increased diarrhea, soft shells, metabolic alkilosis, and maybe dehydration or death IF water is restricted..
  14. EggSighted4Life

    True Ameracauna or not?

    Based on your answer and your prior experience being good enough to go back.. along with the many things I've seen breeding and hatching.. I agree with post #4 that it's possibly still just funky juvenile plumage.. but also note that not everything that hatches will be show or breeding quality...
  15. EggSighted4Life

    True Ameracauna or not?

    What color were they being sold as? Did you see pictures of the parent stock? What do the birds from your previous hatch look like? Do you have pics of those?
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