Recent content by FlockFinderWest

  1. FlockFinderWest

    8 week old cockerel violently attacking sibling

    Posting a quick update. I put the crele in “jail” for two days. After upgrading their run space and separating him for two days and two nights, I released him in the run. At first the positions switched where now the ginger red was attacking him and running him off. After a couple of hours of...
  2. FlockFinderWest

    8 week old cockerel violently attacking sibling

    Wow. This is wild to hear. I’m glad I could hear from someone who had first hand experience with this. He seemed to have picked a grudge over night and all the other chickens were catching on. As soon as I put him in a crate everything calmed down and the others stopped jumping in. I’m going to...
  3. FlockFinderWest

    8 week old cockerel violently attacking sibling

    He only weighs like 34 grams haha It would be more like a chicken dumpling
  4. FlockFinderWest

    8 week old cockerel violently attacking sibling

    Hi, I am I need of help urgently. I have a couple of almost 8 week old cockerel bantam chicks. One of them is picking on one specific rooster. I understand pecking order is a thing but this seems super violent and he won’t stop. He is bleeding from his comb. I am uncertain how to proceed. I will...
  5. FlockFinderWest

    should I bring my broody chicken in at night?

    I definitely can, that’s what I’m wondering. Is If she’ll be ok temperature-wise in the run at night. We’re still having windy nights and low 40s
  6. FlockFinderWest

    should I bring my broody chicken in at night?

    I understand hens will go broody irregardless of a rooster but I’ve been told that the presence of a rooster can increase the chance of them feeling broody. Here is her crate set up and the run which I close at night, the bottom two feet are hardware cloth
  7. FlockFinderWest

    should I bring my broody chicken in at night?

    Due to spring and because I have a rooster, my hens have been going broody back to back. I’ve been using a wire dog cage and leaving the hen in the run during the day, but during the night I bring her into the barn. I’m kind of getting fed up with doing this every morning and night because with...
  8. FlockFinderWest

    When can old English bantams leave the brooder

    Hello. I have several old English bantam chicks that are 6 weeks old. They are fully off of heat. They are pretty much fully feathered except for a bit of down on their heads. I heard they are more fragile than other chicks but I’d like to put them out. My average temps right now are 70 with...
  9. FlockFinderWest

    Wes Anderson: The Might of The Mini Rooster

    I’m so happy you’re enjoying your rooster ! I’m sure he’ll calm down. I’d love to see a picture of him
  10. FlockFinderWest

    Question about slipped primaries?

    Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, it’s not really an emergency or illness so I wasn’t sure where else to ask. I have a pullet and cockerel that both have slipped primaries. They’ve been like that since they started getting their adult feathers, they always stick out and don’t go...
  11. FlockFinderWest

    Bantam Frizzled what?

    Aw poor babies, thanks for taking them home with you. One of my three frizzles this year turned out straight feathered, and she is the sweetest chick. Always wants to be cuddled up to me
  12. FlockFinderWest

    Bantam Frizzled what?

    For some reason most frizzles sold by hatcheries in the USA are either Cochin or bantam Cochin. Be aware though that only 50% of chicks come out frizzle and the hatchery can’t tell when they’re shipped out so there’s a chance you’ll get a straight feathered Cochin. So far at least one definitely...
  13. FlockFinderWest

    Should I get a rooster?

    That’s interesting, I have a rooster and my girls are super snuggly with me. The rooster is too. They all jockey for a position in my lap
  14. FlockFinderWest

    Should I get a rooster?

    I keep bantams only and I like to recommend bantams for first time rooster owners. They are easier to manage, less intimidating and not likely to overbreed hens. They perform all the functions of a normal rooster. Some larger bantam breeds will be almost the size of a medium breed hen, like a...
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