Recent content by fluffycrow

  1. fluffycrow

    Landrace/adaptive breeding discussion

    I don't like my photos circling too much, certainly not outside BYC (plus, I'm not sure my birds are what you're looking for?), but good luck securing some photos, and good luck on your presentation :)
  2. fluffycrow

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    If they were rotting, I'd consider leaving the healthy roots and plants to air dry for a few days. The soil looks very moist, good thing you got them out. Don't water for a while!
  3. fluffycrow

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    It'll pass. I'm not about making impulse purchases, and parrots just aren't right for me. If I had an aviary, things might've been different
  4. fluffycrow

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    It's not even funny at this point. The photo of that lovebird might've sent me over the edge (I've always loved lovebirds). The need for another parrot is too much
  5. fluffycrow

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Shake it :p
  6. fluffycrow

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    I don't think it would mind a repot, but it doesn't seem to be in a dire need of one. If it doesn't have holes, I would repot it. Makes it easier for you to care for it, and the plant gets more room in return
  7. fluffycrow

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Congrats on the little succulent, by the way!
  8. fluffycrow

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Looks like sumpervivum to me! Gorgeous little plant. Treat it like you would most succulents. Sun, loose soil (not too loose), and not too frequent of a watering schedule. Does the tea pot (lovely pot, by the way) have drainage holes? If not, you'll need to be very mindful with watering
  9. fluffycrow

    Do I have a rooster?

    Yup, cockerel
  10. fluffycrow

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Maybe even dye a few dog tails pride colours (personally not into pet dyes too much, but some might be)!
  11. fluffycrow

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Happy Pride month, yall
  12. fluffycrow

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    Oh they're gorgeous:love ! Nevermind you getting some, now I want some
  13. fluffycrow

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    One of those looks like a real keeper :p Do you have photos of the proud parents?
  14. fluffycrow

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    Are those the lovebirds?
  15. fluffycrow

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    That's rather ridiculous. Was it even hand fed? A wild type cockatiel that was not hand raised (not that I particularly love the concept of hand raising, but it does usually increase the price a bit) should not be costing 368 Euro
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