Recent content by Hhhotel

  1. H

    New on here

    I've currently got Pecky,( not very original name I know , blame the grandchildren ) in my summer house, I've treated her for eyp, using the oregano and cinnamon bark remedy, she was very poorly , now after nearly 4 weeks she's back to weight and even laying again, however her balance is...
  2. H

    New on here

    I've had chickens for 8 years, some I incubated, mostly rescued, learning all the time, happy to help with advice and receive it also, my chooks are very fond of cuddles, even my Cockerell
  3. H

    Egg yolk peritonitis HELP!

    Ive treated my 2 nd hen for eyp successfully, and she is back eating, drinking and now laying almost 4 weeks in, I used the rosemary and cinnamon stick recipe, which I syringe into her beak and fed her also, however her balance isn't good. I only realised she was poorly when she was...
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