Recent content by Jabroni

  1. J

    Is it a myth that water removes an egg's bloom?

    UPDATE: my previously float-tested/wet eggs are perfectly preserved. I just fried two of them - they are from October and perhaps earlier as I did another no-no and glassed older eggs. Water does not wash off bloom at all is my conclusion.
  2. J

    I thought hens stopped laying in winter

    My hens are still giving me an egg each per day or close to it. I'm not complaining, but why? They do not have supplemental light. The days are very short. They are young RI Reds that started laying in late Spring.
  3. J

    Is it a myth that water removes an egg's bloom?

    I just water glassed a bunch of eggs and I dunked them all in water immediately beforehand (float test). If anyone cares I'll let you know if my whole batch is ruined
  4. J

    Light eggs/weird bloom?

    Top 5 eggs are today's and the 6 eggs in middle/ bottom are yesterday's for comparison. Three eggs are considerably lighter and one looks like it's a thick light-bloom partially scratched off. My hens are young; about 27 weeks old. Is this normal? For context it has been very humid, it rained a...
  5. J

    Who else has a name for their flock?

    My husband named ours 'The Pecan Sandies' but to call them I just say "chickies"
  6. J

    What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks?

    I try to mostly cook on the firepit in summer (we have a schwenker) but mostly for keeping the house from getting hot. This past summer we didn't run the air conditioning at all to cut the electric use. I kept the kiddie pool on the deck for the kids and it was a tremendous help to have freezing...
  7. J

    What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks?

    Consider a french press. I got one after my 2nd coffee maker in 3 years broke and I was fed up. Has a built in mesh filter and makes even cheap crap coffee taste great. Cheaper than a coffee maker too. The mesh top filter can even be used to froth milk if you like fancy coffee sometimes...
  8. J

    What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks?

    My biggest thing probably is using flour sack towels instead of paper towels. All purpose and I use some of them for cloth diaper inserts too. I do not cloth diaper most of the time because of the excessive laundry and because Aldi still has very cheap and good quality diapers, but I had to for...
  9. J

    Has Purina changed its Flock Raiser?

    They could have just switched the software/laser printing system. Or they could have changed format to be consistent with what other brands do for comparison/analysis reasons. Or they got a new type of documentation/analysis software that needs a specific format. Let's say they want to do...
  10. J

    Feeds affecting laying?

    The results should be dismissed if they are meaningless anyway i.e. not a accused batch. Lot to lot variability I assume has far less quality control regulation for animal feed than in human food. Honestly what is the test for if you don't know what to look for anyway? Protein content for...
  11. J

    Feeds affecting laying?

    Obviously not every single person using the feed has had the problem, only some. This does not mean there is no problem and this does not mean they are all problematic. Were you able to find a potentially affected batch?
  12. J

    Feeds affecting laying?

    This could also be whomever these companies use to compound/mix/make the food batches. I'm not familiar with animal food manufacturing processes, but when I worked in human food manufacturing we were just the compounder and used whatever formulas the brand wanted. We made a brand name product...
  13. J

    Feeds affecting laying?

    Yes the people having issues should not be immediately dismissed, especially when are making the observation that simply changing feed has fixed the problem. This is not an unreasonable assumption by any stretch of the imagination. I don't get the hostility. This is how recalls of specific...
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