Recent content by jnicholes

  1. jnicholes

    Managing coop heat/cold

    Understood. Thank you for letting me know.
  2. jnicholes

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Pardon my ignorance, but I thought that sex link males had different coloring than females.
  3. jnicholes

    Managing coop heat/cold

    Quick question. I am going to take everybody’s advice, but would putting ice in the water dispenser help out? I just did that, and it seems to be helping a little bit.
  4. jnicholes

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I honestly don’t think so. It’s the same color as the other sex link.
  5. jnicholes

    Managing coop heat/cold

    I forgot to add, here’s my weather forecast.
  6. jnicholes

    Managing coop heat/cold

    To answer your first question, yes, I can get a thermometer into the coop. I just need to find it first. As for shade, the coop is in between the house and the fence. It gets shade in the morning and evening. Concerning the ventilation, thanks so much for letting me know. I will definitely add...
  7. jnicholes

    Managing coop heat/cold

    Hi everyone, I have the following chickens. All about 5 to 6 weeks old. 1 amber white 2 austra white 2 Golden Sex Links 2 Rhode Island Reds 2 Amaraucanas 2 Buff Orpingtons 2 Barred Plymouth Rocks I finished building my coop and run today and I moved the chicks out there. After about an hour...
  8. jnicholes

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I also finally figured out something. I originally ordered eight chicks, and the hatchery included five extra, and I’m pretty sure they are straight run and not all roosters. None of them are behaving like roosters, but I could be wrong. Anyway, today I was finally able to identify the breeds...
  9. jnicholes

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    We are DONE! One nice predator proof run and coop! I will build the nesting box and expand the run when they get bigger, maybe in about 5 weeks. For now, I needed to get them out of the basement brooder.
  10. jnicholes

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Guess what? The city I live in is hosting a Dutch oven cooking contest on the Fourth of July! It’s no surprise that I’m going to enter, but I need to figure out what to make. I might go with peach cobbler.
  11. jnicholes

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    I found a tick on me. Its head wasn’t in my skin, I THINK. I need to keep an eye on my leg in case it did bite. I made it useful. Imminent Doom! ETA: Not an entry.
  12. jnicholes

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I am so sorry. Do you need anything mailed to you? I am more than happy to do that if you need it.
  13. jnicholes

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I was thinking the same thing, maybe an inverted pie tin? I’ll figure it out.
  14. jnicholes

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    You just gave me an idea for an experiment. I wonder if it’s possible to put a pie tin inside a cast iron Dutch oven and bake a nice looking pie with just coals for heat. I suppose it’s worth a shot. I just need to do research first. Still, that’s an awesome looking pie. I’m might as well try...
  15. jnicholes

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Hello Stranger! Where have you been? Just a little joke. I haven’t seen you on here in a while. Good to see you!
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