
Why Geese. Well because it could be the most fulfilling thing you have ever done. The most rewarding give back bird you could ever be part of. Or it could be your Damn why did I ever do this moment.

Most of the time its up to you and the decisions you make raising them. If you raise them with respect you will have your best results and the best friend back yard dogs with wings you ever raised.

Lets start with the long waited for box of goslings that you just got a call from the post office to pick up. YAY there here… But its now your turn to be the parent not the grandparent. If you do this right you will have a much happier life with you beautiful birds.

Start day one with getting them heathy and cuddling you will be surprised how fast they become dependent. Almost the moment you open the box you become there everything. Believe me they suck you in to being there parent. Geese are all about family there amazing and they know it before they hatch. If you have ever hatched which I do they start taking to me the moment they internally pip. But they talk to me even before that. I water candle for the week going to lock down. If they here my voice while there in the water they wiggle they egg If they here my geese in the pasture they wiggle even harder. They are family with me and my geese from that moment.

Raise your goslings with consistently and respect you will always be happy you did when you here people posting my goose bit me or my kids can’t go in the yard there scared of my goose. The UPS guy runs. Personally, I think its from raising geese the wrong way. But Iv been wrong before and will be wrong again.

Raising a gosling with respect. Well they should never learn to follow they should learn to be herded. Following is so cool I miss it but they grow into adults and if there following you as adults they will learn to chase you. Watch a mama goose or my MaMa goose she might clear the way for them for the first week but then they ask for assistance ant she pushes them forward but defends there every need. She makes them independent and no one messes with mama…

By herding your geese your teaching, them independence but watch them look back to see am I doing a good job at you.

The best way to discipline a goose or a child is consistency. That actually what discipline. As adults we think of it as being put in the corner nope its learning to be disciplined. Goslings grab on to this really quickly since its already in there nature.

So start off on the right foot

Day 2 your first day of learning. Give your babies all there needs food and water then a little nesting time. A old blanket works well bundle them up in the blanket rub the blanket but make them take sleep time.

Day 3 start herding them have a place a (there nesting area) and a place B they have to go to. Mine is a hallway from a bedroom to a living room but Im nuts still keep them in the house for the first week. But improvise. Goslings really need direction and if you have ever watched the parents raise them you would see that. There amazing.

Just remember your being the missing parent getting them ready for all the world has to bring them. Your someone they will always love and respect. But your not there best friend and if its what you want to be well get a duck.

Most of my goslings are ready to defend themselves, tell me what’s going on, call to me when they want something. I can also walk out into my pasture bare legged in flip flops, my grandchildren can go out and play in a field of 30+ adult and yearling geese and what do the geese do nothing but just get out of the way.

Talking around geese can always be a problem so get really quiet when you talk there just being part of the conversation.

Teach your geese command words from day one. As I move them down the hallway I use “Its ok”. As I move them back to their pen “home”. Pick your own words from day one figure out what you want from them.. Give them happy words mine is “GOOD JOB” high pitched when they do the flight dance for me in the morning and go to bed at night… If I don’t say it they seem like there feelings were hurt…

Geese are not a piece of cake bird but they are so rewarding they will give you back 10 fouled in love if you don’t spoil them. Teach them there always willing to learn. Always give them a flock they need family Always be the top bird. Don’t be the needy one in the relationship they will give you lots of love but if you need to cuddle get a duck…..
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African and African Dewlap Geese, Indian Runner Ducks, All feathered friends



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