Recent content by JRies

  1. JRies

    Has anyone ever hatched shipped goose eggs with detached air cells on there side?

    Congratulations. your assisted baby will need some extra help. Watch for pasty butt. Vitamin supplements will help. Hard boiled egg yolk is really easy for them to digest. You did a great job.
  2. JRies

    Has anyone ever hatched shipped goose eggs with detached air cells on there side?

    Lif Life is good. Im so happy for you. Some can make it out when they pip backwards as long as they make a big enough hole and dont get shrink wrapped.
  3. JRies

    Has anyone ever hatched shipped goose eggs with detached air cells on there side?

    Good job on the one the hatch Im in some externally piped this morning not expecting to see babies till tomorrow. Take them a long while from pip to zip. I feel for you. Shipped goose eggs are so hard to hatch.
  4. JRies

    Has anyone ever hatched shipped goose eggs with detached air cells on there side?

    I have bigger birds and they hatch on day 32 and 33. But when I had the african production they were around 28. I feel your frustration. Have you seen there actual beak in the air cell. Wiggles at the bottom of the air cell are usually them still trying to turn.
  5. JRies

    Has anyone ever hatched shipped goose eggs with detached air cells on there side?

    There is no perfect answer. If the babies were able to turn some may make it on there own. I would wait to see how many pip on there own. I have healthy eggs that from internal pip to outer pip have taken 48 hours and hatched great. Others have quite and not made the outside pip. What I do is...
  6. JRies

    Advise on my Embden goose breathing heavy…

    @Goosebaby might be able to help
  7. JRies

    Gosling breed identification

    Love your answer. So hard to explain generics. Then dealing with breeds that came form (grey Leg heritage (Europe) and swan goose Heritage). Then add back yard see what we get. Great News you have beautiful babies and geese are incredible. Love your babies
  8. JRies

    Gosling breed identification

    By the pattern in there coat they are probably 2 colors of geese breed together. white and grey. Height in the beak is Chinese or African or mix of both or even more mixed in.
  9. JRies

    2.5 week old gosling wing feathers look good?

    Angel wing shows up when it dose when you see the deep penetrating pins show up. You will feel there down feel pinny first. It means there coming into feather. there closer to a 5-6 plus weeks when you feel it. I did have one show up with it this year the blood feathers on her wings came in a...
  10. JRies

    EMERGENCY-Newly Hatched Goslings Having Seizures??

    Mine heathy ones dont usually eat till 2 full days have passed sometimes 3 when I assist. My little one is in the corner of the brooder still has a bloated belly but should be fine by morning since he can sit up. Assisted babies take longer but if you can add some vitamin B and electorates to...
  11. JRies

    EMERGENCY-Newly Hatched Goslings Having Seizures??

    Im not sure if I have any answer's its been a year with allot of assists. But if you saw any blood as you pealed them back they weren't ready. If you didnt but saw a big pot belly they probably were getting ready or the shell was just to small for them to finish the process of pulling the belly...
  12. JRies

    Gosling advice

    As for broody geese so you have others that could have added a few eggs. Also when a goose goes broody there no usually done laying they will add a few more. makes a short 31 day hatch turn into a 40 day hatch. an day 33-34-35 there all yours. To many babies requiring there intimidate...
  13. JRies

    Gosling advice

    Im sorry Im late in answering on my side. Assisted hatches are always a issue. Silly question do you think some of the shrink wrapped men brain ended up on the eye? Saline sounds good to me. So every hatch of 20 plus goslings someone gets shrink wrapped. Most of the time its where the inner...
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