Recent content by Kkoleckar

  1. K

    Reply to review by 'Kkoleckar' on item 'Golden-300'

    Question…I got two that were supposed to be golden 300s however one is all black with this beetle green sheen to her. Is this a color variant of this breed?
  2. K

    Wrinkled egg

    Why did my chicken lay this egg that looks like this? Should I be concerned? I have no clue which ones lay which eggs because they are from chickens I recieved from a someone who was, and I quote, “done with the whole chicken thing”. I’ve made several attempts at asking her the age of the...
  3. K


    I bring them outside during the day now. Chances of frost are behind us where I live so the day time temps have been allowing them to have a fun in The sun and they like to hang out with me while I’m building their house and making progress on their pond they are just adorable .
  4. K

    Very quiet chicks

    So about a week ago +\- a day or two I picked up 2 gold laced Wyandottechicks. They seem to be thriving beautifully, seem very healthy, normal energy level, eating and drinking fine and doing normal chick “things” except for making any chirping, peeping, etc. noises. Like….hardly ever. They are...
  5. K


    Omg I’ve been replacing bedding like 3 times a day and thought I must of been doing something wrong but now I know that’s normal thanks goodness. I have 3 mallards, 2 golden 300 and the little black ones I have no idea. They are younger and miscellaneous straight run from tsc (you can probably...
  6. K


    You couldn’t be more right omg and I’m learning this. Thank god our master bathroom is completely gutted due to us repairing some dry rot issues so it’s not tooooooo difficult until the little buggers escape INTO MY BEDROOM 🙅🏼‍♀️…lol thanks for the advice on the brewers yeast I actually have...
  7. K


    Hello! Introducing the 5 cutest wittle things I’ve ever seen I love them so much!!! Can anyone reccomend what I should do to supplement my chick starter feed for these guys? What are some of the things yall do? And what do you use for a house for them? I’m going to build my own for them and I’m...
  8. K

    Starting chickens, with a disaster

    I had this same thing happen to me. My pullets are now around 10 weeks old and 11 weeks old.tsc sent me 10 and 7 died right away and then they sent me replacements and ended up sending me 10 more instead, and they figured it out. I played referee for the first 24 hrs and had to add a second...
  9. K

    Which chick is the speckled Sussex and is the other one an Easter egger?

    I’d have to say number two looks more sus than number 1. I have Easter eggers that looked like one
  10. K

    Great Pyrenees thread

    Omg what an amazing coat!!!
  11. K

    Blue Australorp vs Black Australorp Personality?

    Mine is great with people but she brutalizes the rest of my flock and is violent and aggressive to other hens and im constantly playing goalie against her to protect my other birds. But she is an egg laying machine so culling her isn’t an option. I just keep and eye and separate if she is being...
  12. K

    Great Pyrenees thread

    Oh I loooovveeee there is a thread for this!! Meet Margaux!!! She protects my flock and is AMAZING and such a wonderful family dog. We love her :)
  13. K

    Dog trainer/leash issues

    Usually when a dog has leash phobia, it’s because whoever handled them before hand didn’t properly train them on the leash. it’s important for a dog to know that whoever is on the other end of that leash is the one that’s going to protect them from harm, if they don’t feel like they are...
  14. K

    Sick baby rooster.. help!

    My flock took turns being really sick and at this point they aren’t 100% but they are significantly better than they started. The corid was definitely the answer and I thank you so so much for such quick responses. I attribute their road to recovery to how quickly I took Steps for intervention...
  15. K

    7 week old chicks outside temps.

    They are also being treated for coccidiosis.they seems to be fine I just am having a hard time letting them go out because inside they are just so safe with me able to keep an eye on them 24/7 🤦🏼‍♀️😆
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