Recent content by kristinhennifer

  1. K

    Coccidiosis Questions and Concerns PLEASE REPLY!

    None of mine have died. The coccidiosis confirmation was done from a vet, fecal float.
  2. K

    Coccidiosis Questions and Concerns PLEASE REPLY!

    Hello all! I don't know if it is something to do with the weather this year or this batch of chicks we got but we have had a ROUGH 2024 with an intense battle of Coccidiosis in our flock of 6. So much so that we have gone to the vet and got a sulfa medication but it seems to just keep coming...
  3. K

    Watery poop, heavy panting, lethargic

    Started treatment today just because that’s all I could think of! I’ve never seen the panting be apart of it though before.
  4. K

    Watery poop, heavy panting, lethargic

    It’s 75 degrees, 62 percent humidity. My 10 week old girl has been panting constantly for 2 days and lays down any chance she gets. This is her droppings. Any ideas what to do?
  5. K

    At a loss - Coccidiosis

    I have now been dealing with coccidiosis for over 2 months. I just need a moment to rant, it’s taken all the fun out of owning chickens for me. We’ve done the severe dose in the water, orally by weight etc. had a few weeks of everyone seeming okay then one presenting new symptoms. Took that...
  6. K

    Coccidiosis second treatment

    We had a bad outbreak in the brooder a few weeks ago. Treated the flock, everyone made it. I am starting to notice one his looking a little lethargic and I remember hearing about retreating again. Do you do the severe dose or something else? Thank you!
  7. K

    Help, why isnt my duck sitting on her eggs?

    If she’s not broody she will not sit on eggs
  8. K

    8 week old acting off

    Going on 5 days my 8 week old pullet constantly is stopping and shutting her eyes. Eating and drinking normally. A few members of the flock a few weeks ago had cocsidiosis. No watering eyes and no respiratory sounds either. Does this poop look odd with the bubbles? Looking for suggestions in...
  9. K

    Roo or Hen, Easter Egger 10 weeks

    I am hopeful! Because it’s “sister” is not 😂
  10. K

    Roo or Hen, Easter Egger 10 weeks

    Depending on the mix, can waddles be forming on a hen around this age? I am not seeing any points to saddle feathers when I comb my hands through. The copper coloring is not getting any darker on the back, which I know is another indicator of rooster.
  11. K

    Lethargic, no other symptoms

    Thank you I will addd to water
  12. K

    ID me, Easter Egger

    I know she has the americuna but I am so curious what she is mixed with! She is stunning! Any guesses?
  13. K

    Lethargic, no other symptoms

    Yes I have, everything completely normal
  14. K

    Lethargic, no other symptoms

    I have an 8 week old pullet that any chance she gets she is closing her eyes. Still eating and drinking but definitely acting a lot different than her normal. Poop looks normal, checked for bugs. Any ideas? Should I start corid as a preventative?
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