Recent content by LathropChickens22

  1. LathropChickens22

    I want to have pure ameraucana.

    Goodmorning everyone. I am looking to get all of the 7 colors of the ameraucana chickens. Does anyone have good experiences with online buyers and true breeders? I want healthy birds and a reputable seller. I do not want to do the hatchery because they prefer quantity over quality. Any advice...
  2. LathropChickens22

    Is my rooster just a teenager or a jerk

    Right, we literally have pages on how to kill, pluck, gut and cut down a chicken but the word a** is a bad word for the family friendly site hahaha
  3. LathropChickens22

    Is my rooster just a teenager or a jerk

    No hurting, just a lot of nose.
  4. LathropChickens22

    Is my rooster just a teenager or a jerk

    No they are all 6 months or older than them. I got him at 8 weeks old
  5. LathropChickens22

    Is my rooster just a teenager or a jerk

    I have a rooster who is coming into age, per say. I feel like he is more aggressive than need be from what I have read. He does not do a mating dance. He does a im hunting you down, even if I have to hang onto your tail feathers, I’m getting it. And my other hens are coming to fight him off...
  6. LathropChickens22

    What predator would leave these marks

    It is a fox. I saw it today chasing my cat at 2:30 pm
  7. LathropChickens22

    What predator would leave these marks

    it’s a fox everyone. I saw it in broad day light chasing my cat today. It’ll get the pew pew next time.
  8. LathropChickens22

    What predator would leave these marks

    I don’t think it’s a weasel or my chickens picking on each other. The first chicken disappeared with about three feet of feathers in a line and this one’s feathers are in a similar fashion but with a break in the 5 feet spreed of her wing, tail and back feathers.
  9. LathropChickens22

    What predator would leave these marks

    I planned on keeping them put up for a few weeks. Which sucks because I just took up space to put my new chickens out to get used to the flock.
  10. LathropChickens22

    What predator would leave these marks

    We have saw coyote's, but it’s been months since we herd or saw another one. It’s been over a year since I saw a fox. I did see my neighbors three dogs leave my yard, but I’d imagine with 3 they would have went after more than one.
  11. LathropChickens22

    What predator would leave these marks

    This happened in one day and feathers are in two different spots like it was fighting for it’s life. They aren’t picking on them now. It’s not too little of a cage because they free range all day. I had another bird disappear about 3 days ago. With feathers in a straight line or pile like they...
  12. LathropChickens22

    What predator would leave these marks

    I’ve had a chicken go missing with few feathers left behind, now my Easter egg has been attacked and is missing feathers on her back end. What predators would leave theses marks?
  13. LathropChickens22

    Chicken acting out of norm not earring and slow walking

    She was fine yesterday. She is close to a year old. Tallassee al?
  14. LathropChickens22

    Chicken acting out of norm not earring and slow walking

    This hen did not eat this morning, walking around slow, DID drink water. I saw her pass clear/brown poop. Her crop felt a little squishy. I emptied her crop, just in case it was sour crop and gave her a 40 minute Epsom salt warm soak just in case it was egg bound, Gently rubbing her abdomen...
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