Recent content by lilwanderer

  1. lilwanderer

    Just a bit curious.

    If you saw my previous thread- I hatched a lone peachick. It'll be 2 weeks old tomorrow. It's two siblings have hatched, one I believe y'all refer to as black shoulder? Hatched from an Indian blue hen's egg. The owner's two cocks are a purple spalding and indian blue. The other two chicks looks...
  2. lilwanderer

    Peafowl people, teach me.

    About that.. I was actually surprised the little guy ended up being strong and healthy- It needed assistance hatching as the power went out for a whole day during lockdown. (Storm problems.) It was internally pipped at the time. It was put in my shirt where it externally pipped until we were...
  3. lilwanderer

    Peafowl people, teach me.

    I was given 3 peafowl eggs as bday gift, and boy was I excited, still am. But I was given 1 egg a week before the other 2, and the 1 hatched friday night. I think the little guy has imprinted and I don't think it's eating, just whistles until held or given attention. It isn't alone, It's with 7...
  4. lilwanderer

    Guys? Confusion? 🤔

    Maybe this is related to what you were saying- This is what I was thinking of when i said the silver gene, I didn't know the exact phrase until I saw something today about it with silkies. Couldn't these guys be silver based white?
  5. lilwanderer

    Guys? Confusion? 🤔

    No dark feet on the parents- But the owner told me a hen just hatched a couple of her eggs from the pen, they're also silver/gray in color. I didn't ask if she got any with dark skin, I'll do that later on. The reason I mentioned the silver gene was because when speaking with the lady I got my...
  6. lilwanderer

    Guys? Confusion? 🤔

    Hey, so the chicks have been feathering in really white- Could the silver gene be at play here? Or is just the Recessive white playing tricks? I'm still confused about the one with dark feet though. This one is tiny compared to other two: (1) (2) Dark footed one: (3)
  7. lilwanderer

    What happened to "them"?

    She turned 4 mid February-Early March. I wouldn't think she was an old hen. (I'm used to calling 5+ year old hens old.)
  8. lilwanderer

    What happened to "them"?

    She doesn't act or seem uncomfortable at the moment- But I'll keep an eye out.
  9. lilwanderer

    What happened to "them"?

    Anything i should be doing for her?
  10. lilwanderer

    What happened to "them"?

    I know they can't really change genders- But I've heard of hens developing rooster features, even growing those hackle and saddle feathers, crowing, and sometimes mounting other hens. (They'll stop laying, but can't actually fertilize a hens egg like a born rooster would be able to.) But other...
  11. lilwanderer

    What happened to "them"?

    I wasn't sure what category to put this thread in- I don't think this is an emergency at all, she's(?) fine. But I had a 3 year old buff orpington (Early 4's presently) who was always a good layer up until late last year, she(?) hasn't laid a single egg or shown interest in nesting/laying- I do...
  12. lilwanderer

    Guys? Confusion? 🤔

    The paints- i wasn't sure it could happen, at least not blue
  13. lilwanderer

    Guys? Confusion? 🤔

    what about blue and black-? Just got a dark blue look one from the pair this morning. And another dark looking one pipped from them.
  14. lilwanderer

    Guys? Confusion? 🤔

    What if two paints threw partridge- Possible? And thank you, even though they aren't what they were meant to be they sure are cute.
  15. lilwanderer

    Guys? Confusion? 🤔

    one of them does- there's 3 total. 2 have the white/pink skin, 1 has dark feet. Other then that they look the same color wise- maybe a few a tad lighter.
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