Recent content by lizzyGSR

  1. lizzyGSR

    Consolidated Kansas

    Congrats on the hatchlings @OzawkieBantams and @Trish44 ! I'm anxiously awaiting hatch day for my muscovy eggs, which are due a week from today. I've got 4 that look viable in there, and I'm really hoping to have a successful hatch. This is only my second attempt at hatching so I'm a bit...
  2. lizzyGSR

    Consolidated Kansas

    I am using it for two ducklings and two goslings. It isn't quite as deep as the goslings would prefer, but it's better than nothing and it was cheap!
  3. lizzyGSR

    Consolidated Kansas

    Gosh, it’s so quiet on here these days. I found plastic sleds on clearance for $1 each at Walmart. I bought several of them for the kids to use this winter but figured the birds could use them in the meantime. They loved them!
  4. lizzyGSR

    Consolidated Kansas

    @chicken danz - That one broody sure has been sitting for a long time! I feel bad for her if she's sitting on air! Silly bird! I'm glad you've found some eggs. HOpefully, the muscovy will get things figured out and hatch some ducklings/goslings for you! Yesterday, I was able to candle one...
  5. lizzyGSR

    Consolidated Kansas

    @fhornjayhawk - Welcome! Good to have you here!
  6. lizzyGSR

    Consolidated Kansas

    @chicken danz - Sneaky ducks hiding eggs is no fun! I hope you find them soon! How is your broody girl doing?
  7. lizzyGSR

    Consolidated Kansas

    I have some muscovy eggs in the incubator. Today is day 10. I made a few mistakes early on so I was worried I wouldn't have any develop. I just candled them and 8 out of 10 of them look promising. This is only my second time ever hatching eggs in the incubator (and my first time with...
  8. lizzyGSR

    Consolidated Kansas

    Yep. I try to add some new chickens to the flock every year. Last year I hatched a few of my own and ended up with 6 out of 7 chicks being cockerels. I'm gonna try to hatch some sussex this year, but figured I'd better get some chicks from @chicken danz in case I ended up hatching all...
  9. lizzyGSR

    Consolidated Kansas

    Hey all! Haven't been on here for quite a while. I agree with you all about the extremes with chickens and not having any eggs in the winter time when everyone wants them. We decided to expand our collection of poultry this year and bought some turkeys, geese, ducks, and chicks from...
  10. lizzyGSR

    Consolidated Kansas

    Oh man is it every COLD out there! It's been raining ALL DAY today (rare for this area) and now it's turning to snow. It's been in the 30's all day long and is windy. What a rather unpleasant day weather-wise. I've been going out every couple hours to check on my animals. It sure feels like...
  11. lizzyGSR

    Consolidated Kansas

    I like Briana. I might call her "bri" for short. She is back in with the rest of the flock and doing great.
  12. lizzyGSR

    Consolidated Kansas

    Well, much to my surprise, the hen that spent several days under the rubber bucket is still doing well. She seems thoroughly unhappy about being separated from the rest of the flock, but I wanted to make sure she had a chance to recover her strength before I put her back in with the whole...
  13. lizzyGSR

    Consolidated Kansas

    All this talk about winter already! We’ve had a cooler summer than normal here - only a handful of days near/above 100*. I’m wondering if this winter will follow suit and be colder than normal. So, I’ve had a bit Of a rough week when it comes to chickens. This past Monday, one of my adult...
  14. lizzyGSR

    Consolidated Kansas

    All this talk about how much chickens love mulberry trees. Mine like mulberries if I pick them, but they leave my trees alone. My mulberry trees are HUGE (40-50 feet tall) and have hollow trunks. I've wanted to cut them down for years, but my DH has been against it until this year, when I...
  15. lizzyGSR

    Consolidated Kansas

    Oh goodness! All these stories of Pyrs digging up freshly planted plants makes me want to run and go check ours! We've put in 3 new fruit trees, a raspberry bush, and a grape vine recently! Plus, we have one more tree we are waiting to put in until we can get an old mulberry tree cut down...
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