Luv Ducks

I have been experimenting hatching out ducks from my Rouen and Mallard Hens that I had. I made a home made incubator out of a styrofoam cooler, clamp on light with a 40 watt bulb, wash cloths in the bottom, two dollar temperature guage from the hardware store, coffee cup of water. I would adjust the lid to keep the temperature at around 100 degrees, The humidity was all guess work and coffee cup was kept filled. Near hatching time a wet paper towel put in behind the coffee cup. I was able to save two ducklings after putting the eggs the Hen had deserted for 12 hours in the cold by having them in this for over a week. I was able to hatch out two eggs out laying on the ground from my Rouen hens this week. I have two eggs that are progressing that should hatch out later this month. I am absolutely amazed that this can be done this way. I turned the eggs frequently and kept a close eye on my temperature. I just wanted to share with others in case either they can't afford an incubator or theirs breaks during the incubation period. Thanks.
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School Bus Driver and Duck raiser


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