MariaChickenMama's latest activity

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    MariaChickenMama replied to the thread Comb color.
    I was wondering if that was it. I wish I could get her to sit quietly but not sure possible with all the noise anyways. She also has...
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    My hen has a respiratory infection and I’ve been treating it with Tigard. This is like day three. I also put vet RX on her comb or...
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    MariaChickenMama replied to the thread Stressed chicken?.
    Someone had once suggested Tiagard for respiratory and I actually have that coming from Amazon and being delivered today. Should they go...
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    MariaChickenMama replied to the thread Stressed chicken?.
    Well, when she was in the shed area, I was opening the door to the shed and that was getting outside air. We don’t free range our...
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    MariaChickenMama replied to the thread Stressed chicken?.
    Do you think is still worry about worming the flock and I still not 100% sure she doesn’t have some kind of respiratory issue.
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    MariaChickenMama replied to the thread Stressed chicken?.
    The only way to increase ventilation in the shed area where I was keeping her would to be to add a window. I actually put her in the...
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    MariaChickenMama replied to the thread Stressed chicken?.
    That bigger structure of a crate was in the shed, which doesn’t have any windows. It has a little bit of ventilation on the top, but not...
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    MariaChickenMama replied to the thread Stressed chicken?.
    I think she’s a little bit happier, but I don’t know about the other chickens and the run with her. They were really crabby.
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    MariaChickenMama replied to the thread Stressed chicken?.
    During lunch, I’m planning on putting this chicken outside in the run in her crate. And I will put her in the coop tonight with everyone...
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    MariaChickenMama replied to the thread Stressed chicken?.
    I have never wormed the flock. No one else seems to have any issues. She has not been laying recently. And maybe that was due to stress...
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    MariaChickenMama replied to the thread Stressed chicken?.
    the only ventilation in there during the day when I open doors. I had 4 other chickens in there and they didn’t have any problems. Maybe...
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    MariaChickenMama replied to the thread Stressed chicken?.
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    MariaChickenMama replied to the thread Stressed chicken?.
    My vet doesn’t treat chickens. People in the group thought it was heart failure because of her gasping while breathing but she only...
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    MariaChickenMama replied to the thread Stressed chicken?.
    It’s a mixture of warm water, garlic, acv (the mother) and honey. I saw it on a YouTube from Justin Rhodes
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    MariaChickenMama replied to the thread Stressed chicken?.
    I know when I’ve given her a bath before she has stress breathing but she does calm down after awhile
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