Recent content by Missmackworth

  1. Missmackworth

    Coffee grounds as bedding

    I am on my third batch of baby chicks and would like to start trying to do things differently regarding their bedding. We raise these indoors so keeping them as clean as possible is an absolute must has anybody used coffee grounds or sand as bedding and just scooped like kitty litter?
  2. Missmackworth

    Swollen eye! Help!!

    This 5 month old EE named Cookie, I’m very worried about her eye due to the swelling . We recently had a fox get 3 of our girls and decided to keep them cooped up for a few days until we can try to get the fox.. unfortunately it’s been about 3 weeks and we’ve still kept them cooped up with...
  3. Missmackworth

    Maine Rooster

    Looking to rehome our 18 week old EE rooster, we’ve named him Tony and originally pictured being a rooster free home . He hasn’t had the opportunity to be on Guard and a protector of sorts as the hens haven’t found themselves in trouble yet and frankly none of our hens seem to respect him. He’s...
  4. Missmackworth

    Pullets or cockerels

    Hi All, We have two golden laced Wyandotte’s who are just shy of 4 months old. I noticed they have two very different combs and it caused me to be concerned if one is a cockerel or both Pullets . They were suppose to be pre sexed but you know how that goes!
  5. Missmackworth

    I think our She is a he…

    This is supposed to be an “Ameraucana” purchased from Paris Farmers Union which used a Hatchery. I’m sure it’s not a pure breed and it sounds like there’s some run around online with this breed. HOWEVER She was supposed to be sexed and a pullet however she’s had a ballsy personality from day one...
  6. Missmackworth

    Cockerel or pullet ! Help!

    4 weeks old so maybe too early but curious what people think if this is a cockerel or pullet? Blue Plymouth Rock - when brought home there wasn’t any white dot on head and was supposed to be sexed but we all know that isn’t a guarantee. I gave this chick as a day old to my brother to start his...
  7. Missmackworth

    Cockerel or Pullet?

    my two Blue Rocks.. both are 8-9 weeks old and I think they’re both hens however the difference in combs makes me question? I read online that this breed will have a dot on the head when it’s a male. Neither had the dot and they behave relatively the same except the one w the red comb is more...
  8. Missmackworth

    TSC “Easter Egger”

    We picked up two EE from TSC, all black with tiny bit of color . I’m wondering if anyone else has gotten this kind of chick from TSC and what their experience has been. From my understanding EE isn’t an actual breed and because of that I’m curious how they can sex (I know it’s not 100%) chicks...
  9. Missmackworth

    What is this breed? Help!

    We purchased this day old “Dark Brahma pullet” from TSC and after much reading online I’m beginning to question if that’s actually what she is. I haven’t seen any baby chick pics of dark brahmas that resemble ours… she’s 3 weeks old now and is primarily white with black tips on her feathers. Can...
  10. Missmackworth

    Chicks refusing to use brooder plate

    Hi! Thank you for the reply, no lamp! Just a plate .
  11. Missmackworth

    Chicks refusing to use brooder plate

    This is them on top of plate, they have been sleeping by the mirror at the other end .
  12. Missmackworth

    Chicks refusing to use brooder plate

    10 day old baby chicks won’t use brooder plate at night, instead they huddle at the opposite end of brooder. Our home is 70 degrees and we have the plate at an angle , they’ll nap during the day ON top of it or under at the edge but won’t sleep under it at night. They’re happy and eating great...
  13. Missmackworth

    Is our brooder plate too warm ?

    We are new to raising baby chicks, we are keeping them inside our home which is set to 68 degrees and are using producers pride brooding plate . We have four birds and there haven’t been any issues at all however, last night all 4 chicks were sleeping at the opposite end of the brooder box...
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