Recent content by Papaye

  1. Papaye

    Hatching of my first ducklings of the year - Particularly stressfull, but lessons learned!

    Hi. Thank you for the precision. Trout is Mallard/Grey colours, but females are lighter coloured than Mallard coloured ones. (Trout drakes are the same colour than Mallard coloured ones...) Here : I have (played with THE calculator)...
  2. Papaye

    Please, show me your ducks

    Hello! I look at videos... I read what I can find of course, but I also could learn a lot on some ducks from videos. (People who make them are great!!) Yeah, same... but I don't know if the calculator is really so accurate? (Though I am at least grateful for the pictures...) Same. I could...
  3. Papaye

    Hatching of my first ducklings of the year - Particularly stressfull, but lessons learned!

    Hi. I took new pictures today, since I noticed my ducklings feathers already allow us to sex them by appearance... I can (already) voice sex them of course, but given I learned from experience that voice sexing is not 100% accurate EVEN around 3-months-old... I am now being careful about...
  4. Papaye

    Please, show me your ducks

    Okay... I thought it was (yet again) a weird name for a specific breed/colour/appearance...! We call crested Indian Runner "Bali ducks", so... you know... Exactly what I am wondering! (I'm so grateful to the ones who share what they know online...!!)
  5. Papaye

    Please, show me your ducks

    Yeah... it looks indeed paler compared with the Snowy ducklings I have seen online... which is why I think it could be a Blue Trout duckling, but since I have never seen one, I can not be sure...? Please, do! Thank you! I would so like to see the growing phase of Dark Dusky and Snowy (or Blue...
  6. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hi. I just took pictures of Apache, so here : Boy is still home for the time being, given the person who is going to retrieve him prefers to have some hens for him first... and they are going to have them tomorrow! After what, they will contact me for the meeting... Amazingly, Apache has...
  7. Papaye

    Please, show me your ducks

    Hi! Yeah, right... 7 hens is better yet! (...I was tired when I wrote my post!) ...No...? They actually don't care about each other. (I had a drake that attacked one of my rooster (Apache) ONCE, but it was during mating season, and this drake was frustrated because he was separated from the...
  8. Papaye

    Please, show me your ducks

    I freerange all of my ducks with my chickens, except when hormones are out of control... Could you not just do the same - keep a drake apart from the chickens during mating season only...? (...Not sure a drake that has 6 girls would end up frustated enough to try raping the chickens, even in...
  9. Papaye

    Please, show me your ducks

    Hi. Sorry for not answering earlier... and thank you very much to all of you!! Yes... I would buy Swedish ducks if I knew where to find them...! I actually had to search for and look at pictures of Swedish ducklings to be sure my black bibbed, white winged Runner ducklings looked the same...
  10. Papaye

    Hatching of my first ducklings of the year - Particularly stressfull, but lessons learned!

    Hi. I promised pictures, so here they are : Runner ducklings grow so fast... right? And to say they are only one-month-old... I have banded them three days ago, with resin, closed leg bands. Since the ducklings are Indian Runners, I use 16 mm leg bands specifically. (Fact is : the first...
  11. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hi. Good news today : I found someone willing to adopt Apache. This person has contacted me today after reading my add, so they know about Apache's condition, need (a coop with a big entrance), and aggressiveness... They even send me a picture of their coop, and it looks really great, and I...
  12. Papaye

    BIG SURPRISE : Bali ducklings born from NON-crested Indian Runner parents

    Hi. I took some pictures today... Here is a picture with my first two crested Indian Runner ducklings : They are around two-weeks-old now... The small-crested duckling still has a very small crest, but it is more apparent now. ...And the big-crested one seem to actually have a medium sized...
  13. Papaye

    Please, show me your ducks

    I just took pictures, so just to say... here is one of my white winged bibbed black Indian Runner ducklings : (He is one-week-old...) I have others like him, but for the time being, he is the one I plan to keep - whatever if he is a male or a female -, since he is the one that has the...
  14. Papaye

    Please, show me your ducks

    Hello. A big THANK YOU to all of you : you are amazing!! Really? I would have thought being half Ancona would mean more white on the feathers...? (Not that they are not perfect as they are...!!) Thank you so much...!! God... he is so cute! I love his hair. (Is it me, or does he looks like...
  15. Papaye

    Please, show me your ducks

    They are beautiful...! First time I see a bibbed Cayuga... Maybe she is mixed? (But there again, there are blue Cayuga, so... why not a bibbed one?) I know they go white as they age, but I remember the white spots are then supposed to first appear on the face and on the back...(?) Thank you...
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