Recent content by raingarden

  1. raingarden

    Using sandbags around coop any experience to share?

    Sand bags help when there is a sudden and short deluge and the water subsided quickly.. But, standing water will seep right through and around the sand bags.
  2. raingarden

    Increasing protein % to my feed

    I use fish meal for that. It is about 65% protein. Bulk fish meal is difficult to find unless you live along the coast from the Carolinas to Texas. Fish meal sold as an organic garden fertilizer is more widely available. The birds don't seem to mind.
  3. raingarden

    What to do with a rooster when you don’t want fertile eggs all the time

    If this becomes a thing then there is an opportunity for a rooster rental business or artificial insemination business. You heard it here first :)
  4. raingarden

    What to do with a rooster when you don’t want fertile eggs all the time

    Egg protein has all the same amino acids as animal protein. I don't think that vegans should allow themselves to eat eggs.
  5. raingarden

    I'm Sending Feed to be Analyzed

    Well, guess what? Fear and pain are stress factors and stress leads to disease, cannibalism, slow growth and such If you don't think they want the birds to be happy then you should try to get to know the system and the people behind it. You can call it a factory if you want but success still...
  6. raingarden

    I'm Sending Feed to be Analyzed

    Farmers are trying to stay competitive and make ends meet just like everyone else. They care as much about their livestock than anyone. The birds are what pays their mortgage and puts food on their family table. They will do whatever you want in terms of animal welfare if your are willing...
  7. raingarden

    I'm Sending Feed to be Analyzed

    A Big Mac is my favorite meal so I think we should move on. :)
  8. raingarden

    I'm Sending Feed to be Analyzed

    Microbial processes. Cows have a rumen that is like a reactor.
  9. raingarden

    I need advice (egg and person related)- Long Read

    It may be best that you do not show this to your boyfriend.
  10. raingarden

    floating duck food, HOW??

    The difference in commercial sinking and floating pellets is the extrusion temperature. Floating feeds are extruded at a higher temperature so steam puffs it up. I've never done this, but you could try adding baking powder to your regular feed, moistening and mixing it to make a dough and...
  11. raingarden

    I need advice (egg and person related)- Long Read

    If she is putting up with a chicken coop in her yard, then it is not unreasonable to expect to get free eggs. Her contribution (the land) is worth more than what ya'll have spent. Maybe you need to add more hens.
  12. raingarden

    How does she look , safe to eat ?

    That liver doesn't look healthy for the bird but maybe it makes better liver pate that way.
  13. raingarden

    What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks?

    I usually just make a mess using the Bondo approach. You have to improvise a backing to stick it in place while it hardens.. My old truck has black Gorilla Tape over the areas that are rusted out. If you squint your eyes it looks like racing stripes.
  14. raingarden

    Feeds affecting laying?

    @AuntAgnes, thank you again for doing this (sincerely) and trying to put the issue to rest. But, after reading all ramblings and paranoia here, I'm beginning to thnk that lab results won't make any difference to a disturbingly large portion of the population. The next theory will be that the...
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