Recent content by Raising Quails

  1. R

    Two baby quails died

    Another chick just died. It was perfect fine and when I checked on it was dying. It died in my hands.I have another one that might be dead. Why do they keep dying?
  2. R

    Need help sexing coturnix quail

    I think it is a male because of the pale chest and the brown around it’s head
  3. R

    Quail incubating

    You can take the chicks out, but be quick about it.
  4. R

    Two baby quails died

    I will definitely try that.
  5. R

    Two baby quails died

    Thank you so much!
  6. R

    Two baby quails died

    Hi Everyone, I put 6 Courtnix quail eggs into the incubator and all 6 hatched but one died shortly after and the other one died two days later because it was unable to use it’s legs. The first one was nicknamed Chicklet and the second one was called Chickadee.Before Chickadee died I was feeding...
  7. R

    Where do you show your quail in Australia

    Welcome to BYC :welcome I have quails as well and I live in Australia
  8. R

    Quail Sweeties Hatch Along!

    so what is 20 called
  9. R

    Quail Sweeties Hatch Along!

    20. pavlova
  10. R

    Hatching Quails

    Hi Everyone, I am new to incubating Quails and I just got an incubator. Any tips? By the way, I live in Australia.
  11. R

    Incubating Quails

    Yes, I have read the reviews it it a 3.5 out of 5 stars but all the reviews in Australia are 5 stars so I am a little unsure
  12. R

    Incubating Quails

    Otherwise, I will get the one you recommended with a hygrometer
  13. R

    Incubating Quails

    Thank you so much:frow
  14. R

    Incubating Quails

    Hi Everyone, This is my first post, but I have been looking at this website for a while. Over here in Australia, I am having a bit of trouble finding a good incubator for 6 eggs that is fully automatic and under $80 . I am a student and my parents are making me pay for it myself. Any...
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