Recent content by ravensravelry

  1. ravensravelry

    Thank you! ❤️❤️

    Thank you! ❤️❤️
  2. ravensravelry

    Silkie Color Question

    Hello! I have a show quality black silkie hen, a white satin silkie hen, a white silkie hen and a black silkie hen, and a buff silkie hen. The mothers have thrown out a few beautiful gray babies before, so I believe(?) That makes one of the white mom's recessive white?, But I have only a buff...
  3. ravensravelry

    Silkie Chick Color Question

    These are the parents and chicks.
  4. ravensravelry

    Silkie Chick Color Question

    Hello! I have silkie chicks going on 2-3 weeks old (depending on the chick) and was wondering if anyone could help me any with identifying what colors they might be when they get older? The hens are white and black and the rooster is buff. Some of the chicks have more defined "stripes" on their...
  5. ravensravelry

    Anyone know about deathlayer chicks?

    From my understanding it's a few hundred year old breed from Germany that was well known for it's egg production and when it became an import, both for egg laying and anesthetics, the name deathlayer stuck better than day layer because of the literal translation as well as it sounding cool...
  6. ravensravelry

    Anyone know about deathlayer chicks?

    I've seen a few different theories, I don't know what the substantial one is but I think they're all pretty interesting
  7. ravensravelry

    Anyone know about deathlayer chicks?

    I've heard different things, I think it's more for ✨️razzle dazzle✨️ than anything personally 😂. The article above has the main things I've seen, deathlayer either meaning they lay later in life than average breed or it's the literal translation when normally it'd be referred to as daylayer.
  8. ravensravelry

    Anyone know about deathlayer chicks?

    I had never heard of fayoumis until you said this and I went down the rabbit hole trying to figure out if they're related or not but from everything I've found they aren't?? And it trips me out 😂. They look so similar aside from maybe body type. But I did read that some people have bred...
  9. ravensravelry

    Broody babies

    This was the first hatch for both of the hens and I was hesitant to let them go broody together but they're coparenting so well :) I couldn't be happier
  10. ravensravelry

    Broody babies

  11. ravensravelry

    Broody babies

    Thank you! :)
  12. ravensravelry

    Broody babies

  13. ravensravelry

    Are any silkie colors sex linked?

    Thank you so much for the informative response! I'll be adding some of this to my notebook, I appreciate you so much for taking the time to explain that to me. I feel like a moron in some of these chicken genetic groups because I'm new to this and just trying to get a solid foundation to build...
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