Recent content by Sbr73

  1. Sbr73

    New Jersey

    Hi, I am looking to see how much people pay for their chicken permits in towns around Nj. I live in Woodbridge and they have recently raised our fee from $35.00 to $75.00 for 5 chickens. I am going to a council meeting to address this issue. I would like to know what everyone else pays and for...
  2. Sbr73

    Looking for permit/license pricing for towns/counties in Nj.

    I am looking to see how much people pay for their chicken permits in towns around Nj. I live in Woodbridge and they have recently raised our fee from $35.00 to $75.00 for 5 chickens. I am going to a council meeting to address this issue. I would like to know what everyone else pays and for how...
  3. Sbr73

    Missing Feathers

    I am new to chickens and have 6 hens about a year old. I have had this issue since roughly the fall. I had one girl who started losing some feathers in the tuft area. Then another and another. Seems like whatever it is is a slow progression. I have cleaned everything out several times. No mites...
  4. Sbr73

    Sand for run

    I am in NJ and have been looking for washed river sand but can not find anything with that name. Is this the same kind of sand to use in the run? If not, is there a type of sand I can use that can be bought at a big box store? If so, does anyone have a picture of the bag of sand that is...
  5. Sbr73

    Major/Minor issue

    I don’t have pics of the water set up. I will try tomorrow. They are horizontal nipples, not a lot of water, but it did spread and it was mostly concentrated under where the nipples are but it is also where the corrugated panels overlap from the roof. For now we put a tarp over it in case it’s...
  6. Sbr73

    Major/Minor issue

    Thank you. Yes, inside the closed area. The hen house where they roost. Ventilation at the top but not the bottom. It is vented at the top on 3/4 sides but nothing on the bottom.
  7. Sbr73

    Major/Minor issue

    Thank you. That’s what I am wondering. If the waterer is leaking. It is a pvc nipple waterer. Took all the wet frozen bedding out and put pine shavings so they don’t slip all over the floor lining. No smell so it must not have been wet long or too frozen to mold and smell.
  8. Sbr73

    Major/Minor issue

    Thank you. I have a nipple waterer inside with pvc and 5 gallon bucket attached to it from outside. Floor is covered with food grade plastic liner.
  9. Sbr73

    Major/Minor issue

    First winter with my flock of 6. Today was the day I figured it would be a good idea to put my heat tape on and the deicer in the bucket. Also, I decided to clean the poop board and turn the hemp in the henhouse which I do weekly. Upon turning my hemp I found that is was completely frozen and...
  10. Sbr73

    Water Deicer, heater or both?

    Cold weather and warm water. A feat to beat. So, I purchased a deicer to help keep the water from freezing but do I also need a water heater? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. TIA
  11. Sbr73

    Township ordinance

    Hi, Yes, for the most part. It was not easy. It took me about 2 months going back and forth with each department because neither department was aware of their responsibilities or that an ordinance even existed.
  12. Sbr73

    Help. Is this from a blood feather.

    Thank you so much. Since this plucking seems to happen mostly at night, is it a good idea to put pick no more and aprons on my hens? Will this work?
  13. Sbr73

    Help. Is this from a blood feather.

    Thank you. Should I put her and the crate in her coop so she’s more comfortable being with her flock. Also, should I just use water to clean then vetericin and blukote?
  14. Sbr73

    Help. Is this from a blood feather.

    So this morning I saw one of my chickens beaks were bloody and thought she was injured. I did not see any injuries yesterday when they were out. I noticed the bloody beaked chicken pecking at another. Well, the other chicken was the one with the injury. Is this from a broken blood feather? What...
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