Recent content by SchoolPsychMom

  1. SchoolPsychMom

    Comment by 'SchoolPsychMom' in article 'Chick-Inn Ranch'

    I love the coop! We just had to build a new one after a storm destroyed our previous set up. Mine is more functional than attractive. Living in the South, we went with a much darker polycarbonate roofing panels to increase shade. My small flock of 8 hens and 1 roo free-range by day and go into...
  2. SchoolPsychMom


    I'm still pretty new to chickens. I started with Buff Orpingtons and Americuana that are turning 2. I have my first rooster; a Rhode Island Red just turning 1. Surprise! BAD job on Tractor Supply: 3 chicks turned out to be White Leghorn NOT Barred Rocks (1 of which died within days) and 1 of 3...
  3. SchoolPsychMom

    Need tips with splayed leg cup method

    I'm delighted to see your chick's progress!
  4. SchoolPsychMom

    Comment by 'SchoolPsychMom' in article 'Table Scraps and Leftovers for Chickens'

    I was surprised to see nuts on the 'no' list. My girls adore raw peanuts as well as raisins. My standby treats are black sunflower seeds, raw peanuts, & raisins. I would prefer to go with table scraps, they aren't always available. My standbys are cheap, shelf-stable, & at the store year-round...
  5. SchoolPsychMom

    Comment by 'SchoolPsychMom' in article 'Chicken Toys: Why They're Important & How To Provide Them!'

    Agreed! Compost piles are a HUGE hit. When my chickens began free-ranging this year, they decimated my compost heap. Completely! From 3-4' across and 2-3' high, that area is now just 'slightly raised' and completely 'heap' free. I've given up on having compost. :-( My chickens have also dug...
  6. SchoolPsychMom

    What's the temperature where you are???

    45 with a high of 65 expected. Good chicken temps!
  7. SchoolPsychMom

    Anyone else have picky eaters?

    Mine ladies eat Dumor Layer Pellets daily. They eat table scraps and will indeed devour any hint of butter (learned from left-over potato)! They DO NOT eat lettuce or broccoli. They adore tomatoes, berries, empty carbs (Stale crackers, Honey Nut Cheerios, bread, etc.), any berry they can get...
  8. SchoolPsychMom

    To much ventilation?

    I completely relate to the struggle to keep the ladies cool! I'm on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Zone 9a, so it's hot and it's humid. My pool was 97 Fahrenheit at 5:45 pm yesterday! I researched heat tolerant chicken breeds before getting my first hens. Frost is rare where I live, but we...
  9. SchoolPsychMom

    My teen thinks we might have a roo

    Thank you both! Sorry it's not a better pic, the chick just would not cooperate with my teen. We appreciate the input!
  10. SchoolPsychMom

    My teen thinks we might have a roo

    We have 3 Rhode Island Reds, approximately 5 1/2 weeks. This one is a bit more aggressive and spends a lot more time observing the environment than the others. I know it's early and I don't see a waddle, however, I've only had a chickens for a year. Our 3 Reds and 2 Barred Rocks, all about 5 1/2...
  11. SchoolPsychMom

    Prospective quail raiser

    How did the build go? Did you start? I have a 16 year old who wants us to build a pen and get some quail. I'm curious how your journey has gone.
  12. SchoolPsychMom

    EZ Frame Chicken Coop Build

    That BLUE is fabulous! I'm very excited to se this come together. I really think my teenager and I could do this!
  13. SchoolPsychMom

    Comment by 'SchoolPsychMom' in article 'Hot Climate Chicken Housing and Care'

    Thank you for the article and sharing your coop design. Everything I have been reading is prompting me to move what I have which is unfortunately a pre-made (terrible choice is retrospect) coop and metal framed run (1/3 is covered for shade). I just got my ladies this past spring and there is NO...
  14. SchoolPsychMom

    EZ Frame Chicken Coop Build

    Did I miss the final coop? I don't see the completed coop. I'm super excited to see how this goes as my 16 year-old is begging to get quails and they will need a hope. Which is part of my big argument for "you don't need quails...admire my chickens instead."
  15. SchoolPsychMom


    I'm really excited about starting my flock. Next step is the run! They have a coop ready for when they are a bit bigger. Although I would love to let them free range with a safe area to return to, I have an energetic dog who already wants to the play with them. I also have to worry about hawks...
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