Recent content by SSH

  1. S

    Review by 'SSH' in article 'Yes, You Certainly Can Brood Chicks Outdoors'

    Great advice and directions. 2 things that worked well for me - (1st) I got 2 coop heating pads, one for under and one on top of the mommy cave. Some of the chicks preferred to sit on top. (2nd) I had my brooder pen made of 4 2x2-framed chicken wire "walls", that were held together with 2...
  2. S

    Mating saddle problem -

    Thank you! I will definitely try that, and you're right, poly fleece should dry faster than a knitted fabric if it should get wet (they're free range).
  3. S

    Mating saddle problem -

    My poor little frizzle chicken had some missing back and wing feathers due to over mating - solved that problem (gave 1 rooster away, got 5 more hens) but -- I had put a mating saddle on her, duck cloth with wing flaps. I don't know if it's because of the curled feathers or what, but now her...
  4. S

    removable roost

    We recently discovered that cleaning the coop is so much easier since we started attaching roosts using joist hangers. Simply lift out of the hangers and move them outside while we clean.
  5. S

    Why is my rooster in the nest box?

    Our rooster also gets in the nesting box - but does so even when no hens are in the coop - and does the "I laid an egg" song. We just call him our woke rooster.
  6. S

    Humidity in Nurture Right 360

    Update -- I only got a 50% hatch rate. Will try filling the "A" cup more and opening the vent more at nights in the future - and if that doesn't work will use the wet sponge again. I think if I do it earlier to avoid 2 wks of large humidity fluctuations, I may get more chicks to make it.
  7. S

    Humidity in Nurture Right 360

    I have had a problem the whole time with my 360, the humidity dropping to the low 30's at nights. Once I did get to observe the drop and noticed that it happens quickly. It started doing it again the night of day 18 so now I have a little piece of wet sponge in the incubator which seems to...
  8. S

    Comment by 'SSH' in article 'Cold Weather Poultry Housing and Care'

    Thanks so much for this really helpful article. While I don't live in an area that gets below 0 degrees, I learned a lot. I see some errors I'm making that can affect my chickens during the 10-15 degree nights we get here - such as inadequate ventilation, heated water inside the coop, in a...
  9. S

    Comment by 'SSH' in article 'Yes, You Certainly Can Brood Chicks Outdoors'

    I figured I'll be setting mine depending on the weather. When it was 92 degrees yesterday, I even turned it off, figuring the cave and shared heat was plenty. They did fine. Last night, in the mid 70s, I set it at medium. But I'm new at this so if I'm doing it wrong, someone just tell me.
  10. S

    Comment by 'SSH' in article 'Yes, You Certainly Can Brood Chicks Outdoors'

    Not tech savvy but would certainly give this article a 5 star rating if I could figure out how. It has been such a huge help! This is my first time raising chicks (all previous chickens were purchased). When friends and articles gave me all the "do this, don't do that" particulars, like the...
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