Recent content by SweetieChicken234

  1. S

    Do pullets and cockerels have different wings?

    I am very interested to see what the Wyandotte cross with Delaware will look like. I know they will be silver pullets because the rooster was Delaware but I want to see what happens with the lacing and barring. I'm not assuming that only the cockerels will be tail less and the pullets have tails...
  2. S

    Do pullets and cockerels have different wings?

    I wondered if that could be true or if mixing of the breeds had more to do with it. Like say the Wyandotte may just be much slower to feather but the ones with no tails could still be pullets. I can't wait to see what happens.
  3. S

    Do pullets and cockerels have different wings?

    I'm watching my chicks grow and I see different wing types. Is this a gender thing? Some have LONG wings and are getting tails and other have short wings and no tails. My Delaware chicks are the white ones and the striped ones are Delaware/Wyandotte cross. What's really interesting is that I...
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    A hen went broody and she has been sitting for a while.......

    Same.. I have to agree. If you can let the hen hatch the eggs. I just hatched 19 chicks a week ago and one of my hens went broody 3 days ago. I candled her eggs and all are developing. This time the hen can raise the chicks.
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    Have you Incubated for others?

    Just hatched out 19. My neighbor wanted more hens. I used her eggs and my eggs. I kept 6 and 13 went to her. She was more than happy to come over and get her chicks.
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    Once they pip and start hatching it rises temporarily. What was your humidity before pip?
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    Failed Broody Hen

    Great reply, thank you. I have a 48" dog crate I set up inside the chicken run. I tried to put some plywood around it and cover with towels. I put a cardboard nest box in there but I think I need to do better actually. There's plenty of room for nest, food and water. The nest she is brooding in...
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    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Ohh that is so cute. I want to put mine on grass but I need the heatwave to pass. It's entirely too hot. I'm in Florida. It's been low to mid 90s. F not C. My broody looks rough already. I tried to get her to eat and drink today but she was angry and refused.
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    Failed Broody Hen

    Just happened to see this post. My hen started sitting a nest yesterday. Should I set up a dog crate in the coop and move her before she gets too far into this?
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    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Those are beautiful chickens you have!! I feel your pain. I don't have lots of land either. I'm in the city and I have to watch my limits too. Thankfully I have neighbors with chickens and they have friends with chickens too.
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    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Oh my gosh they are all so cute. That new box is looking good too. I have a hen that has gone broody now. The mother hen of my brother and sister I posted. Now maybe I will have more chicks in 21 days. She gave me the dinosaur growl and fluffed up.
  12. S

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Yeah I had a cover similar to hardware cloth for my last set of chicks. These ones seem to be getting crazy younger than their parents. I let them out on my bathroom floor and they just exploded into running, jumping, trying to fly... Barely just hitting a week old.
  13. S

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Oh that's excellent. I had to raise the brooder plate up today since they got taller. I have a 4 ft dog crate that I used for my last few chicks. Once they get a bit big for the brooder. I put up a shelf in it so it became like a 2nd floor in there. It was pretty cool. I'm going to set it up...
  14. S

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    That's exactly what I have. They are already trying to fly out lol they are getting on the perch and trying to fly up. Especially my little boy...he hears me and he jumps up on that perch to come to me. So cute!!
  15. S

    Eggs in incubator day 19

    Yeah. I've never had a chick with an injury so this one is a first. I see they are already trying to fly all around so pretty soon I will need to move them to larger housing. I'm betting that one was trying to do some crazy acrobatics and got caught somehow.
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