Recent content by Tattersail

  1. Tattersail

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    11 today and they all made it safely into the house. :)
  2. Tattersail

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    There were 9, and then I stumbled on the steps on the way back to the house and lost the whole basketful and gained 2 skinned knees. :th
  3. Tattersail

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    11 today. :)
  4. Tattersail

    Open Contest BYC's 4th of July Star Spangled Hatch-Along—Stars, Stripes, & Feathers, a Text-to-Image Contest

    This fellow is not an entry (but maybe he should have been?) I thought he was too cute not to share. Bing AI Chicken dressed as colonial soldier in a tricorn hat saluting with Stars & Stripes and fireworks in background claymation style. Shoot, just replace any of my other entries with him.:p
  5. Tattersail

    Open Contest BYC's 4th of July Star Spangled Hatch-Along—Stars, Stripes, & Feathers, a Text-to-Image Contest

    Fourth entry: Bing AI Chicken paratroopers with Stars & Stripes parachutes with fireworks in the background.
  6. Tattersail

    Open Contest BYC's 4th of July Star Spangled Hatch-Along—Stars, Stripes, & Feathers, a Text-to-Image Contest

    Third entry: Microsoft Image Creator Chicken family enjoying a 4th of July picnic with Stars & Stripes and fireworks in the background in the style of Normal Rockwell.
  7. Tattersail

    Open Contest BYC's 4th of July Star Spangled Hatch-Along—Stars, Stripes, & Feathers, a Text-to-Image Contest

    Second Entry: Microsoft Image Creator chicken dressed as a colonial general wearing a powdered wig crossing the river at night standing on the prow of a boat facing forwards pointing a saber with the stars and stripes and fireworks in the background
  8. Tattersail

    Open Contest BYC's 4th of July Star Spangled Hatch-Along—Stars, Stripes, & Feathers, a Text-to-Image Contest

    First one: Bing AI Ink wash painting of chickens watching 4th of July fireworks with Stars and Stripes in background.
  9. Tattersail

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    10 today. :) I've mentioned the luffa before - this is what they look like now. These were the first ones and they are destined for sponge-hood as they are too high for my short self to get to them without a ladder. There are ones that are lower that will be made into soup or stir fry. Gourds...
  10. Tattersail

    Ended May Madness, a Random Funny Posting Contest

    Thanks everyone, it was fun!
  11. Tattersail

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I've been away for a while. The ladies have been generous and grace us with 10 to 11 eggs a day since I last checked in. We had 10 today. We lost Kitty, our Barred Rock today. Not sure as what got her as she was pretty vigorous and was underfoot the entire time I was in the garden yesterday...
  12. Tattersail

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    10 yesterday and today. The luffa has flowered and I already spied a tiny gourd. The base of the vines remain naked, however. :D
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