Recent content by therustyseeder

  1. T

    Silver Genetics Questions - Ameraucanas

    Awesome response, thank you so much! Definitely wasn’t expecting the hen to be the potential culprit. Perhaps worth a call to her original breeder to inquire. As for the roo, if he is in fact Silver/gold, is he good for breeding to anybody? Even to other silvers for a couple generations...
  2. T

    Silver Genetics Questions - Ameraucanas

    Update: I was able to get these photos from the breeder of the roo. His sisters (still pullets) were all this wheaten colouring, and the males looked like him. It’s like there’s a strange silvery-blue-splash wheaten melangé happening.
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    Silver Genetics Questions - Ameraucanas

    ^ Roo. I suspected his recessive gold from his colouring not being quite so “silver” but is his belly potentially showing more blue?he doesn’t have the typical duckwing “tip” either. ^ momma blue ^ grey and black penguins ^ baby in question with black leakage? splash? wheaten? (ignore...
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    Silver Genetics Questions - Ameraucanas

    Disclaimer, I find genetics and breeding for plumage and egg colour altogether complicated yet fascinating but have no plans for showing. I hatched out 11 chicks from my blue ameraucana hen. I am fairly confident in her genetics as she was purchased from a breeder that shows her birds. She was...
  5. T

    Long-time lurker finally joining.

    Thank you everyone for the warm welcomes!
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    Long-time lurker finally joining.

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? On second year of owning them. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 35? maybe? haha (3) What breeds do you have? Ameraucanas, ISA Browns, Silkies, and backyard dual-purpose mixes. (4) What are your favorite aspects of...
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