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  1. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article 'Green Roof Coop'

    It looks pretty neat but more explanation of how you built this would help, as well as photos of the finished product and how your chickens like it.
  2. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article '8x10 Coop'

    Unfinished. Needs photos of the finished coop as well as of the inside.
  3. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article 'Lazy Lane Tractor Coop'

    Needs photos of all four sides and the inside. There are just two pictures of the front of it. Some explanation of how you built this would help someone else build it if they wanted one too.
  4. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article 'Tack Shack'

    Looks good so far but it didn't get finished.
  5. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article 'Tim Bock Tu Small And Simple'

    Looks very nice for a few chickens. The article needs grammar/spelling checked. A bit more about how you built this coop and run would be helpful.
  6. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article 'Mason De Chickies'

    A great start. Unfortunately, we don't get to see how it turned out or how you did it.
  7. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article 'My Shed Coop'

    Oops, you had a good article and coop going but at least the article didn't get finished. I hope the coop did, and if so, it'd be nice to see it.
  8. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article 'Hawaii Recycled Coop'

    I love the picture of the pile of garbage wood and how you repurposed it into a great coop! Nice job!
  9. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article 'Henstrata Bed And Breakfast'

    A beautiful coop and great explanation of how you built it! Nice job! Love the pictures!
  10. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article 'Chrissys'

    It's a bit confusing. I think you ordered this "coop?" If so, a link for where to buy it would be helpful for anyone who thinks this might work for them.
  11. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article 'Bates Coop'

    Beautiful coop!! Very innovative too! The explanations are helpful as well!
  12. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article 'Integrating with a small coop and run'

    A good idea. Thanks for sharing. As others mentioned, photos would help. You can still update this with a few.
  13. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article 'Chicken Coop Ventilation'

    It's a good start but this is only for those that have a pen like you do. You could go into this in more detail and cover different types of coops and/or methods of adding ventilation.
  14. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article 'My spirit animal is a clucking what?'

    A very interesting topic! Pyewacket is living the good life since you found out about spirit animals. I'm afraid to find out. Nice write-up about them though and helpful links for anyone wanting further information.
  15. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article 'Owls 🦉 How to Deter'

    Very informative. Good to know some tips should the ones we hear come visiting ever. I would add some links, like to all the different types of owls for example.
  16. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article 'Bengalese/Society Finch Care & Breeding.'

    Very thorough and educational. Excellent! You gave me an idea on how to tame my parakeets too! Great job!
  17. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article 'The Boris Bally Chicken Coop'

    This belongs in a section for how to decorate your coop, but we don't have one of those. It's a neat idea, but what does the coop look like inside?
  18. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article 'Mbcoopdesign'

    You mention building this again. If you do, please take pictures and explain your steps in building this. It's just a photo spread otherwise and does nobody much good if they wanted to build it. It looks great!
  19. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article 'Silkie Palace'

    I looks wonderful and there's some great innovative ideas here. It would be so much better if you'd put explanations above or below each picture. That would help us understand how to perhaps build our own like yours.
  20. Debbie292d

    Review by 'Debbie292d' in article 'The Barracks'

    I like the idea and the end result, but it's only pictures with no explanation. If I wanted to built this, I'd get no help from your article except the initial picture of what it looks like when done. It looks very functional though.
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