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  1. Farmgirl283420

    Help baby chick has strange bugs on it

    That’s a lot of chickens!!!
  2. Farmgirl283420

    Help baby chick has strange bugs on it

    They are beautiful! How many chickens do you have?
  3. Farmgirl283420

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Lol some kind of silkie! Some people on here think she’s part Cornish.
  4. Farmgirl283420

    Help baby chick has strange bugs on it

    I have 11 not counting the chicks! So it will probably work for my flock 😊
  5. Farmgirl283420

    Help baby chick has strange bugs on it

    Thanks! How many chickens do you have?
  6. Farmgirl283420

    Help baby chick has strange bugs on it

    Thank you! I’m pretty sure they are lice but it doesn’t hurt to check!
  7. Farmgirl283420

    Help baby chick has strange bugs on it

    Thanks I’ll look into it!
  8. Farmgirl283420

    Help baby chick has strange bugs on it

    Thank you for sharing what you have found works! All the chicks are thriving and I’m hoping I won’t have to deal with anymore lice for awhile!
  9. Farmgirl283420

    Help baby chick has strange bugs on it

    Do you think I should go ahead and treat my adult chickens? If I check for lice will I even see them? I didn’t see any lice on my chicks when I looked through their fluff only when the lice crawled around on them.
  10. Farmgirl283420

    Help baby chick has strange bugs on it

    I saw lice on the one chick the night I brought them home before they came near my big chickens. my friend also lost a chick today and I’m wondering if it could be from lice?
  11. Farmgirl283420

    Newborn Pigeon Care

    So tiny! What will he look like when he’s older? What do you feed him?
  12. Farmgirl283420

    Newborn Pigeon Care

    Do you have any pictures? I would love to see a baby pigeon!
  13. Farmgirl283420

    Stunted/dwarf/runt chick?

    How old is your little chick? She’s adorable! I really hope she makes it 😊
  14. Farmgirl283420

    frizzle & bantam cochins - hen or roo?

    I would say they are pullets! But I would wait for someone who is better at this than me to be sure!
  15. Farmgirl283420

    frizzle & bantam cochins - hen or roo?

    How old are they? They are soooo pretty!
  16. Farmgirl283420

    Separating babies from Mom

    My friend’s broody hatched some chicks and I took three babies they hardly peeped for their mommy at all and seem happy and content in their brooder. I took them when they were only a day or two old.
  17. Farmgirl283420


    Maybe I’ll get her one! :)
  18. Farmgirl283420

    Guess what breed!

    Do you have any ideas what breeds she might be?! 😊
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