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  1. Rhodebar Lover

    What breed is she?

    Easter Egger Bantam cockerel
  2. Rhodebar Lover

    More EE’s to sex!

    All are pullets!
  3. Rhodebar Lover

    10 wk old Olive Egger

    It's too young to have fully developed sex feathering and tails aren't useful in sexing, especially at this age. By the time sickles develop, there are many other secondary sex characteristics evident. Here is sex feathering that he is starting to develop:
  4. Rhodebar Lover

    What breed is my extra chick?

    It has a pea comb and appears to be an Olive Egger
  5. Rhodebar Lover

    10 wk old Olive Egger

    He's definitely a cockerel and has male-specific feathering
  6. Rhodebar Lover

    Anyone know what breed she is?

    He's a mixed breed cockerel
  7. Rhodebar Lover

    Silver Wyandotte at 10 weeks old, male or female?

    Thanks for the update! Beautiful!
  8. Rhodebar Lover

    What Breed could this be?? Orpington or??

    It has correct chick down and color, just incomplete lacing. I am confident this bird is silver laced
  9. Rhodebar Lover

    What Breed could this be?? Orpington or??

    It's a Silver Laced Orpington with hatchery-quality lacing. Due to the loose feathers of the breed many have improper lacing!
  10. Rhodebar Lover

    Any Opinions on Breed and gender?

    Black Breasted Red Old English Game Bantam cockerel :)
  11. Rhodebar Lover

    Female Americana?

    These are Production Reds (hatchery Rhode Island Reds). There was a mixup :(
  12. Rhodebar Lover

    Bantam Cochin & Brahma gender?

    All appear to be pullets. Second is actually a Mottled d'Uccle!
  13. Rhodebar Lover

    What gender are these Blue Plymouth Rocks?

    Barring and head spot: It's a bit more subtle with blue sexlinks because of single barring copy and blue gene!
  14. Rhodebar Lover

    What gender are these Blue Plymouth Rocks?

    You have a pair. These are a blue-sexlinked crossbreed. The males have a headspot and are barred. In the future, pick chicks without the headspot to avoid males! :)
  15. Rhodebar Lover

    Is it a pullet or a cockerel?

    He's definitely a cockerel :)
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