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  1. 16 and me

    Trying to make a chicken broody! Help!

    Keep in mind also, a broody has to go 3 weeks with barely any food so they store up some fat to carry them through those 3 weeks. If her body is not prepared, she may give up part way through the brooding period.
  2. 16 and me

    Help, She's Crowing & won't lay eggs anymore!!!

    The only thing I can think of that may or may not help is to introduce (or increase) foods high in phytoestrogen such as flax seeds, sesame seeds, brocolli, kale & soy. If it estrogen related this may help.
  3. 16 and me

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    So many times I've been carrying a chicken and turned my head to see I'm looking eye to beak with her. I suddenly realize the potential and tell her "don't you even think about pecking me in the eye young lady!" Then I immediately adjust her height so she cant reach. :lau
  4. 16 and me

    Hen’s first time hatching eggs, How to prepare for the best outcome?

    If you had your hands were in there, close to her and babies, it is likely that she was warning the chick to "take cover" under her. Enjoy the cuteness!
  5. 16 and me

    Is hatchery stock less resilient than breeder stock?

    Was just thinking about this this morning. Last years September hatches are a mix of home brood and hatchery day olds added on hatchday. The backyard mutts are strong and excellent layers. The RIR from the hatchery is smaller but still a great layer (of small eggs). The Barred Rocks are tiny...
  6. 16 and me

    Hen’s first time hatching eggs, How to prepare for the best outcome?

    Buff Orpington's are great Mama's. The first hatch I took the day off and sat and watched in wonder, but really, she's got this better than we do. I found it helpful to put a cage around her and babies in the coop, so the early birds couldn't stray while she sat on the late hatchers. Buy...
  7. 16 and me

    Your advice on my Ayam Cemani Roo

    Here is a great article "Understanding your Rooster" which may give you some insight: Separating him may or may not help... In my case it did not, but in my case he did not have his own flock, but was under the alpha...
  8. 16 and me

    Stressed chicken?

    Have you seen the gapeworm in her throat, or are you just assuming because of her gasping? If she is only doing this at night when she is locked up in the shed, I'd be concerned about the ventilation inside. If you have seen gapeworm, then you will need a de-wormer. How much ventilation is...
  9. 16 and me

    Broody pullet (first time!)

    You can try it, it will depend on your flock. If they let her be, then it may be fine. I have a few hens that tend to pile into her nest sitting on top of her and the broody chasing them off has broken a few eggs. If things seem calm during egg-laying time then it should be fine. If your...
  10. 16 and me

    Your advice on my Ayam Cemani Roo

    Beautiful boys! It sounds like Preston's hormones are in full swing. Unfortunately I haven't had much success with agressive young males. The behaviour increases as they try to establish dominance over the flock, and is likely increased with another male to compete with. How many hens do you...
  11. 16 and me

    Stressed chicken?

    Have you treated her for these issues? If she is ill, the rooster will likely drive her away to protect the rest of the flock. Keep her quarantined until she's been treated and recovered. The magic water may be a preventative measure, but the gapeworm, respiratory infection and vent gleet (if...
  12. 16 and me

    Starlight green egger

    Yep both cockerels. I've noticed that when there are 2+ cockerels in a brood, one tends to develop faster, even though they are the same breed. I suspect that the one that matures faster would wInd up being the dominant roo, but I've never kept both to see that evidenced.
  13. 16 and me

    Trying to make a chicken broody! Help!

    I've had my flock 3 years. For some reason they always wait until then end of July into late August to go broody. No spring chicks in my hen house.
  14. 16 and me

    Broody pullet (first time!)

    She'll likely spend the first few days on full lockdown - not leaving the nest at all, and then start making a daily short trip out to poop, eat & drink. Each hen is different. Mama hens know what to do usually, so I stay hands off best I can. If she's in the nest boxes, keep an eye out for...
  15. 16 and me

    Broody pullet (first time!)

    How many days has she been in the nest overnight? I would say being a first time broody, don't let her have the real hatching eggs until she's been sitting for 4-5 days straight. You can give her fake eggs or each day collect the real eggs she is sitting on and replace with a few fresh eggs...
  16. 16 and me

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    Miss Tawny, my 3 yr old hen who was raised with Pedro my roo has just recently started rejecting his advances. He moves in for the mount and she does the shuffle at him. As he backs off she does it again. Have any of you seen this? It's spring, she's not molting, she's laying regularly and...
  17. 16 and me

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    Not sure if you've tried it, but I find wrapping the cord around your elbow and keeping the cord taught between your arm and your torso helps tremendously. (A trick I was taught by my highschool shop teacher) Gives you much finer control over the movement of the stick. 😏
  18. 16 and me

    All of my eggs are light brown. How to tell who is laying what eggs????🤔🥚

    I've never tried this, but if you were to try this method, I would just do it once per hen's egg and use that egg as your guide, not incubate it. So 1 egg from each hen would not get incubated. Often you'll see varying shapes, sizes & weights to each hen's egg. You can't always go by the...
  19. 16 and me

    Why have all 6 Bantams stopped laying eggs at once?

    Are they molting? Mine tend to molt in autumn and when they molt, they reserve their nutrients to regrow feathers.
  20. 16 and me

    Incubating Eggs from Road-side Stall?

    Hard to tell on the first 2 pics. #2 doesn't look like it. #'s 3-5 do look fertile though. I've considered doing the same in the past, but I was leery, not knowing the health or history of the hens that laid them. I have a few friends with chickens, so if I want to add some fresh DNA to my...
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