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  • Users: Saaniya
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  1. Raising House Baby Chicks In INDIA Ultimate Guide To Raise Healthy Pet House Chooks With Immunity

    Raising House Baby Chicks In INDIA Ultimate Guide To Raise Healthy Pet House Chooks With Immunity

    Hello My Lovelies! Finally BYC! Is having so many Indian Members & BYC is #1 Source In India For All Kinds Of Helps , Care Guide For Chooks.. As You Know I'm From India & I Love BYC so much and nowadays Indian people coming forward for keeping pet Roosters and chickens but so many people end up...
  2. Moringa The Master Healer For Chickens & Treatment Of AVIAN ARTHRITIS

    Moringa The Master Healer For Chickens & Treatment Of AVIAN ARTHRITIS

    Hello everyone! I'm back at my research article. This is personally Experienced article where I see how arthritis started to heal with this miraculous herb ❤️ . Today I'm covering Avian Arthritis which is a very painful & inflammatory Disease of Birds & Chickens and 90% vets just refuse to...
  3. The Truth About CoronaVirus "Covid19" & Fake Rumours About Poultry

    The Truth About CoronaVirus "Covid19" & Fake Rumours About Poultry

    CoronaVirus and the fake news keep spreading about the poultry worldwide . This not only affecting worldwide livestock but also farmers of commercial livestock or egg layers chickens now buried their entire livestock . Let's see some Reality & MYTHS It is important to understand about the...
  4. Green Tea : Awesome & Powerful Benefits For Chickens

    Green Tea : Awesome & Powerful Benefits For Chickens

    Hello everyone Happy Holidays! first . As you know my name is Saaniya i'm Psychologist & very passionate about chickens and their health and i keep finding all those natural and herbal stuff for your flock that makes your Backyard or Pet chickens super healthy . Today's article is all about...
  5. Bumblefoot In Chickens : My Successful Treatment

    Bumblefoot In Chickens : My Successful Treatment

    Bumblefoot I'm sure you read so many articles on the said subject .. me too! but today i'm sharing my own terms of treating it successful treatment within a short time period and less pain Let's first know what is bumblefoot i know so many new chicken keepers still not aware of this...
  6. Essential Oils & Their Benefits For Chickens : Oregano Oil

    Essential Oils & Their Benefits For Chickens : Oregano Oil

    Oregano oil can prevent / gaurd: Avian influenza Avian bronchitis (t.b) Respiratory Illness / CRD Salmonella E.coli Internal parasites Everyone dream to have a healthy strong flock that fall sick rarely & have good quality of eggs. Chicken fall sick very quickly if their immune system is weak...


    Hello everyone my name is Saaniya Jackson and I'm a owner of my two beautiful roosters namely Tootoo & Teetee For me these babies aren't chickens I raised them like my own kid Since the day I bring tootoo teetee home . Tootoo always have a good growth then teetee , He always a active , fast...
  8. White Poop / Diarrhoea In Chickens Causes & Cures

    White Poop / Diarrhoea In Chickens Causes & Cures

    We are about to discuss the topic and that's white diarrhoea .. White poop can be trigger too many things . A healthy chicken poop is firm solid in consistency and having a white cap of urates on top of it . that's normal poop .sometimes chicken diet makes changes into colors like often...
  9. Sour Crop Treatment Naturally & Medically

    Sour Crop Treatment Naturally & Medically

    Sour Crop Thrush, Yeast Infection, Moniliasis Sour crop, a common name for candidiasis or candida. Candida is a crop yeast Bacteria There are several different species of Candida that can cause infection in chickens, but the common is C. albicans. Candida species are a normal part of a...
  10. Coccidiosis : E.Maxima Cocci Mid-Intestine

    Coccidiosis : E.Maxima Cocci Mid-Intestine

    Coccidiosis : Every Chicken Keeper Aware About The Common Infection In Poultry That's Caused By A Parasite Family Called "Coccidian Protonza"Which Has Divided In 5 Different Types Of Cocci Parasites . Eimeria Tenella ' Eimeria Necatrix Eimeria Acervulina Eimeria Brunetti &...
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