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  1. QChickieMama

    Feeding plants with fungal disease to my chickens?

    My snow peas have succumbed to a fungal disease in my garden. I usually put the spent plants in the chicken coops for them to enjoy. Would plant fungus bother the chickens at all? I think the fungus is just killing the plants; the snow peas that are still on the vines look fine. Thoughts?
  2. QChickieMama


    If I put small gravel and then sand in my covered coop (in central NC), how long could I expect them to live mud-free? Right now, the coop has hardware cloth sides and a metal roof. Sitting on a bit of a slope next to another coop, so all the rain that runs off one coop roof runs into the...
  3. QChickieMama

    two fighting roosters

    I have two flocks of chickens, one behind the barn on L side of yard, and 3 chicken tractors on the R side of the yard. For years, I've had one rooster in each flock. They can talk back and forth, but they've understood the imaginary boundary. Now one rooster has decided to try to kill the...
  4. QChickieMama

    To cull 4 older hens or to integrate?

    I'm having the hardest time making this decision. I have 4 older hens in a large pen, and I have a group of six 6-month-olds in a too-small pen (5 pullets & young rooster). Option A: cull the 4 older hens (hatch dates 6/21 & 5/20) and give the youngsters the whole pen Option B: put the 10 in...
  5. QChickieMama

    Would you bury a dead chicken in your garden to nourish the soil?

    I heard about this somewhere, but now I'm wondering if it'll be a problem to have a decomposing creature inside a fenced garden. Will plants growing on the upper layer of soil have a problem? I usually rake the surface smooth and then stick seeds in a tiny trench to plant my garden--I don't...
  6. QChickieMama

    Predator mystery--tips to prevent?

    I had 5 6-mo-old BR pullets living in a mobile tractor. They were fine when I closed the pen at night. In the morning, one was on the ground by the edge of the coop with part of her headless neck poking out from under the pen. The other 4 were fine. It was chilly for here in NC-about 24* in...
  7. QChickieMama

    Solution to mouse problem?

    We have a mouse issue. I know our coops are full of mice and I half-heartedly try to reduce that population there sometimes. However today's problem is in our garage where I store my cured garden produce. We've removed all the grass seed, the original attractant. Tried live trap boxes with...
  8. QChickieMama

    Male or female?

    3-month old, Barred Rock mix with Cochin & idk what else. I think it's a boy--I think I see saddle feathers. Coming here to confirm.
  9. QChickieMama

    25-day-old chicks: when can I put them outside?

    Our weather here is 70s for high and 50s for low this week. The only pen I have with a heat lamp option is occupied by 8 adult birds. I could put them in a wire pen inside this coop so they'd be protected from the others, but these chicks are getting big. The longer I wait with them in the...
  10. QChickieMama

    What eats bones in my chicken coop?

    I harvested a pesky rabbit last night, butchered it, and offered the meat to my chickens and dogs. I left the neck-to-tail carcass in the chicken pen last night in case they could learn to eat the meat, etc. I just went in the coop now and there's no carcass left. I only found the legs/feet. In...
  11. QChickieMama

    All of the sudden, zero eggs in a pen of 5 hens.

    There's no sign of anyone being broody. No sign of eating their eggs. Just suddenly no eggs. Wondering about snakes or mice taking their eggs.... I know there are mice around. Has this happened to you?
  12. QChickieMama

    Giving a mama of 6wk olds a new set of chicks?

    My broody mama, a buff orp, is raising her 6 chicks currently & they're getting big at 6 weeks old. I want one of my hens to raise more chicks before fall. What are the odds of this mama taking new chicks when her big ones are 6wks? OR would I have better luck giving babies to a hen who has...
  13. QChickieMama

    How old is too old for a Rooster to do his job?

    My favorite rooster is 7 or 8 years old. I gave my last broody eggs from both of my rooster flocks (1 rooster per 7-9 hens) and only 2 eggs of the 11 were fertile. Is it safe to surmise that the older rooster is not fertile now? Or is it just chance that 2yo rooster and old rooster didn't get...
  14. QChickieMama

    What would cause a hen to lose all her feathers on front of her neck?

    She's a small Rhode Island Red hen, about 2 yrs old, and she's had a bald spot on the front of her neck for a while but now it's the length of her neck. Her sister looks similar; the rest of the hens in the flock are fine. Ideas?
  15. QChickieMama


    This 4-month-old mix is a bully to the other three teenagers in the pen. He (?) won't let them down to the ground so the others roost all day. Ugh. If he's a rooster, I'd like to know because I cannot house any more males. Thoughts? Additional comment: I hatched the 4 of them together here.
  16. QChickieMama

    just not thriving

    One 4yo hen of mine keeps having trouble. She's the one who mounts the other hens in her pen, so the rooster has been picking on her. She ended up with a wound on her wing so I put her in her own pen for safety. Now she roosts all day, is molting, her beak is too long, and her toenails are too...
  17. QChickieMama

    Where to buy Angus mix steer calves?

    I'm striking out on craigslist. How do I locate those who are selling steers?
  18. QChickieMama

    Boxing pigeons to sell

    I have sold all my pigeons, and the buyer is arriving at 7:30 in the morning. I have two heavy-weight cardboard boxes that I plan to cut vent Xs in. My main question: If I catch them at night when they're calmer and box them 10 to a large box (3'x2.5'x 1'), will they be OK until 7:30 am pick up...
  19. QChickieMama

    the mama wants to take her 3-day-old chicks out of the pen

    Would this be foolish? This flock has a rooster and 12 other hens, and I let them out every afternoon. Would I need to stay nearby and see if another bird attacks the chicks? Or let them do their natural thing?
  20. QChickieMama

    Mama hen hatched 4, then left the nest

    This mama hatched 4 healthy chicks yesterday. She has 4 more eggs under her. She left the top level of the coop which had food, water, soaked food, nest with eggs and her chicks, and went down to the grass. I can't figure why she is staying down there. I can't quite reach her with my hand to see...
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