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  • Users: lizzyGSR
  • Content: Threads
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  1. lizzyGSR

    Crab apples

    My husband and I have a crabapple tree right outside our back door. The fruit has recently started falling off the tree, and my goose LOVES them. Are crabapples at all harmful for geese? I'd hate to take this treat from her because she loves them so much, but I'd really hate to see her get...
  2. lizzyGSR

    Single goose with a bunch of ducks?

    I recently acquired 4 full-grown ducks from my husband's grandmother, who was giving her flock away. A couple of the ducks and a couple of her geese had been sharing some nests and sitting on eggs. It ended up that 8 eggs hatched, but only two "ducks" survived. When I went to pick up the...
  3. lizzyGSR

    Need advice on gosling

    I claimed 4 ducks from my husband's grandmother who has decided to give her duck flock away. However, when I claimed them, my duck house wasn't quite ready, so she agreed to keep them 'till I could finish it. A month or so later, my ducks and my grandmother's geese have been sharing a handful...
  4. lizzyGSR

    How to wean ducks off food/water at night

    I have read that ducks don't need food and water at night after they are about 8 weeks of age. My ducks are 9, almost 10, weeks old. Their duck house is nearly ready for them, and when they "graduate" to their duck house, I don't want them to have food and water in it because I use OSB on the...
  5. lizzyGSR

    Need help with my idea for cleaning out my ducks' kiddie pool

    Hello all! I've had a kiddie pool for my ducks now for a couple of weeks and already am tired of having to bail out the water by hand/bucket. So, I came up with an idea that emulates the gravel vacuum I use to clean my fish tanks. I thought that I could cut the bottom off of a 2-liter pop...
  6. lizzyGSR

    When will my ducks be ready to go outside?

    I have two pekin ducklings that will be five weeks old tomorrow. They are getting their adult feathers but don't have all of them yet. When will my ducks be ready to go out full time? The highs here have been in the 60's or 70's, usually with some wind, and the lows have been in the 40's.
  7. lizzyGSR

    Question about handling ducklings

    I have two pekin ducklings that are two weeks old today. I've had them for just over a week now and they still run from me when I put my hand in their box. The lady at the store said that I should only handle them 3-4 times per day until they are at least 8 weeks old, but I'm afraid that, if I...
  8. lizzyGSR

    Questions about allowing ducklings to swim

    I have two pekin ducklings that are two weeks old today. I have read conflicting reports about when to allow them to swim, so I'm turning to my friends here at BYC for help. When do you let your ducklings swim for the first time and what do you do to make sure that they don't catch a cold or...
  9. lizzyGSR

    Duckling sneezing and panting - help please!

    I have 2 pekin ducklings that will be two weeks old on 3/26/12. I have had them one week today. I noticed earlier today that one of them was sneezing. I noticed a few minutes ago that that same one was also breathing hard or panting, similar to how it might if it were hot. However, they...
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