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  1. 1girl2chicks

    Chicken names

    Post your favorite chicken's names, the gender and their breed below VVVVVV
  2. 1girl2chicks

    Best kind of breeds to raise???

    So I just raised two chickens from babies to 3 months and found out they were roosters and had to get rid of them. I'm thinking of getting two more but I want to get some really perfect chickens. Two different kinds that are really friendly towards everyone. Any suggestions on two different...
  3. 1girl2chicks

    Straw for bedding?

    Is straw okay for my chickens hen house?
  4. 1girl2chicks

    My 6 week old chicken is afraid of everything :(

    I have two chickens and they're both the same age and they are so opposite! My Plymouth Rock (Blondie) is so bold and doesn't mind getting held. But my Wyandotte (Pilot) who is the same age is afraid of everything :( nobody can get close to her and when we do get close enough to catch her she...
  5. 1girl2chicks


    We have a few weeds near the chicken coop and when I let the out to play they peck at them (along with everything else they see lol) can weeds be harmful in anyway?
  6. 1girl2chicks

    Bloody chicken feet

    Sometimes my chickens get bloody feet and I'm not sure what's causing it. Sometimes it looks like their feet are chapped or maybe their pecking at each other's feet?
  7. 1girl2chicks

    Long sharp nails

    Whenever I play with one of my chickens I let her climb all over my arms but I get really bad scratches. Is there any way to file down the nails or cut them? ♥.
  8. 1girl2chicks

    Chicken Birthday Parties?

    Have you ever thrown your chicken a birthday party? Would you? If you have post pictures! Am I crazy? Got any suggestion on cakes or party favors? Oh GOD I'm crazy aren't I?
  9. 1girl2chicks

    Plymouth Rock & Wyandotte

  10. 1girl2chicks

    At what age will chickens be full grown?

    I have 1 Plymouth Rock and 1 Wyandotte
  11. 1girl2chicks

    Ashes, ashes, we all fall down...?

    A fire broke out near where I live and ashes have been falling ALL OVER, including in my chickens' coop. I'm a little afraid they'll be contaminated by the ashes and maybe even get sick. How can I keep them safe? (FYI This pic was taken before the ashes started falling)
  12. 1girl2chicks

    Show me your beautiful chickens!

    Just wondering on how many chickens everyone has and I want to see pictures of them too :)
  13. 1girl2chicks

    How hot is too hot?

    How hot is unbearable for my 5 week old chicks? And if it gets too hot whats the best way to cool them off and get them to survive?
  14. 1girl2chicks

    Desert or Beach sand

    Can I use desert or beach sand as coop bedding? Kind of imitating sweet pdz?
  15. 1girl2chicks

    When to buy chicken scratch?

    my almost 5 week old chicks are still eating chick starter but at what age can they start on chicken scratch?
  16. 1girl2chicks

    Inside of the hen house

    Can someone please post a picture of the inside portion of their hen house? I'm wondering on where to put the roost and what the inside should look like?
  17. 1girl2chicks

    My adorable chicks

    Finally got some good pictures of my chicks
  18. 1girl2chicks

    Hen or Roo? 24 days old

  19. 1girl2chicks

    My chicks stopped drinking their water?

    My chicks are 2 weeks old today! Woo happy weekday to them. But anyways I came home yesterday from a full day and their water was full, their water is always close to empty at the end of everyday. I haven't changed my water source so idk what the deal is? Are they fine? Or should I be worried?
  20. 1girl2chicks

    I might have a rooster?

    When I bought my two chickens the man that sold them to me said they were both females. Now they're 12 days old and their feathers on their wings are coming in and stuff. And one of my chicks is growing feather on her(his?) tail and the other one isn't. Is this signs of a rooster? or is she(he?)...
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