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  • Users: Saris
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  1. Saris

    Internal broken soft shell egg

    My hen had a broken egg hanging from her vent, I was able to pull much of it out put I didn't stick my finger in her vent to clear it out. I hope that makes sense. Before this she had stopped laying for a couple weeks, she has no abdominal swelling or squishiness that I can feel. Her comb is...
  2. Saris

    Lice infestation treatment using liquid Permethrin 13.3%

    Okay, So I have Permethrin concentrate with 13.30% Permethrin in it. It says to dilute 8 ounces into 16.5 gallons of water and spray 1/2 ounces of that solution per bird or 1 gallon for 100 birds. I have max 12 birds to treat so I think I should be safe only making a single gallon of diluted...
  3. Saris

    Yellow lump on chicks beak

    Chick is active and seems fines. There are 9 other chicks that don't have this new bump. The chick didn't hatch with it and it maybe started growing about 2 days ago. We got a couple of new chickens that are in quarantine but they don't have any bumps or anything. They've had no contact directly...
  4. Saris

    Best beginner goose for meat

    My husband and I are thinking of raising a goose for Thanksgiving dinner next year, what kind would you recommend for an urban environment, and when should I get it for it to be large and tender?
  5. Saris

    How long does an egg take to go bad? (explode)

    I was candling eggs and one may have had a blood ring, it still have veins , but maybe not as many as my other eggs. it's day 4, how long until it would possibly hurt the other eggs? temp is a steady 100, forced air hovabator 1588.
  6. Saris

    Here are my eggs

    I plan on incubating these guys tomorrow. Here is a size reference, 2 Gold Sexlinks, 1 Blue Andalusian, 1 CL hybrid, 1 Wellsummer, and 1 Cuckoo Maran What do you think? ( this photo is a couple weeks old too) Is this egg too porous? Here is my 24 eggs in their holding cell until...
  7. Saris

    Chicken survived a dog attack

    I really thought she was dead but when I went to pick her up and wrap her in a towel she moved and is in isolation now, my daughter says she was drug by her wing and bit around her head. She was bleeding but I can't tell where from and I'm afraid to stress her out and look for the wounds. She's...
  8. Saris

    is this a good deal?
  9. Saris

    Is my hen going broody?

    Newb here, I have a production red hen about 6 months old, has been laying for about 3 weeks now, and she keeps sitting on clutches of eggs for long periods of time. I usually end up getting a stick and pushing her off the nest so I can get my eggs for the day. She is on the nest for about 45...
  10. Saris

    Incubator recommendations.

    I'm hoping to hatch some eggs around Feb. or March next year and I'm looking into what kind of Incubator would be good. I'm thinking the IncuView, but I don't know if it would be good for a first timer. I also don't know much about any other incubators and I'm looking for advice.
  11. Saris

    Hen or Roo

    I'm wondering if Fluffy B, my Blue Andy, here is actually a roo. 21 weeks old and her comb is as red as my hen that is laying. There is no crowing but I have a BO roo that doesn't crow and a CL mix roo that does crow (He's the boss roo). Do Andies just lay later than average?
  12. Saris

    Who will lay first?

    I have a mixed flock, they are hatchery stock, 2 days from being 20 weeks old. 2 Silver laced Wyandottes 1 Blue Andalusian 1 Welsummer? 2 Buff Orpingtons 1 Cream Legbar x ???? 1 Cuckoo Maran 2 Gold Sexlinks 1 Rhode Island Red
  13. Saris

    Clearly not a speckled sussex, so what is it?

    I ordered a Speckled Sussex and I assumed that she would get her speckling as she got older, but at 2 days shy of 20 weeks I've resigned my self to the fact that she is not a Speckled Sussex. I would like to know what she is then, I'm thinking a brown leghorn? I would like to know if I'm right...
  14. Saris

    Reintroducing chickens / chicken memory

    I gave a rooster to my Father-in-Law a couple months ago and he decided he didn't want him any longer so I took the roo back. My question is will my chickens remeber him, or should I do a slow introduction as if he were a totally new bird?
  15. Saris

    Aggressive Hen?

    I have an 11 week old Buff Orpington Hen, who while the runt of the flock is mean. She charges the roosters and goes to peck me anytime I go to pick up any of the hens. Is this something she will grow out of? She has been somewhat of a little scrapper since day one but I thought this was...
  16. Saris

    will my roo pass on his poor eyesight?

    I ended up getting a cream legbar mix roo and I was planning on keeping him so I could have a self sustaining flock. He's 8 week old now and anytime he goes to peck at a treat he misses. Is this something his chicks will inherent or is it a fluke?
  17. Saris

    Could this be a pure SLW?

    I was told that this was a Cream Legabar mix. but none of the pictures of other mixes I pull up look similar. I lost the contact info for the person I got it from so I can't ask if they have other roosters around. Also does it look like a boy or girl? I will post some other pictures soon.
  18. Saris

    Pullet or Cockerel?

    Thes are my 2 Marans, and I think this lovely chicken oogling itself in the mirror is a cockerel. It's comb is already turning pinkish and is more pronounced than my other Maran's comb. This is Anise, her comb is still itty bitty. Here they are together, what do you all think? Anise on the...
  19. Saris

    cream legbar mix chicks

    I'm getting some straight run chicks today, the dad is a Cream Legbar and I don't know what the moms are, does anyone know if the mixed chicks will auto sex like the pure legbar would do. Also, chicken are obviously addictive. I wanted 3, my husband bought 12, and now I'm getting 3 more. Haha...
  20. Saris

    Bringing Chicks outside?

    How soon is too soon? I don't want to have them live out there but I want to bring them outside to play for a little bit each day, maybe 30 minutes with me supervising them. The weather is getting to be in the 70s regularly but I don't know if that is still too cold for them. My chickies are all...
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