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  1. Clairemarie1982

    Mini Donkey Shelter

    Hey. We are located in middle Tennessee in a very rural area. We are planning on getting a pair of mini donkeys soon. We are currently installing 48” high fencing around where the donkeys will be. We are now planning out their shelter. Some folks around here just do a 3 sided structure but we...
  2. Clairemarie1982

    Peafowl… a good or bad idea?!

    Hi! We are into our 6th year keeping poultry. We started with chickens and have since added ducks, geese and guineas. My husband had wanted to add turkey to the flock but I read that it is sometimes advised against due to blackhead. Then he suggested peafowl. I am the one in the family that does...
  3. Clairemarie1982

    Ex Battery Hens

    Hi! We currently have chickens, ducks and geese. For the longest time I have wanted to adopt some ex battery hens. I cannot for life of me find out where or how to do this. It seems so difficult. I am located in middle TN but willing to drive a bit. Thanks in advance. -Claire
  4. Clairemarie1982

    Sebastapol Goose - Wing…

    Hi! We have had chickens and ducks for years but this spring we got geese. We have a pair of Sebastapol geese whom we got at two days old, and are currently 7.5 weeks old. About two weeks ago, I noticed one wing on one of them seemed to keep slipping down and she has to keep lifting it up. All...
  5. Clairemarie1982

    I need help!

    Hi all. So we have had chickens for several years now and we just got ducklings. We have 5, six week old ducks. They are kept separate from the chickens. They have a generous size run and are out almost the entire day in the yard with our supervision. Yesterday all day they were fine. At 8pm as...
  6. Clairemarie1982

    Angel wing?

    Hi all. We’ve had chickens for a few years now and just decided to take the plunge and get ducks. They arrived today at 1.5 days old. One (Rouen) has her wings straight out almost like an airplane. I didn’t think they could develop angel wing this young and thought it was typically due to a...
  7. Clairemarie1982

    Chicks in July

    Hey all. We have a flock of 10. Our chickens we raised both times were born in April. We used an indoor brooder with a heater and brought them outside to the coop at 6 weeks. Our neighbor hatched two chicks on July 1 that she cannot care for and we want to take them. Being it’s so hot do they...
  8. Clairemarie1982


    Hi all. I know this is a long shot. My little daughter’s black silkie only 1 year old randomly and suddenly died today. I know she and my other children will be devestated. They are so attached to our small flock of 12. I was wondering if anyone in CT has a black silkie pullet they are looking...
  9. Clairemarie1982


    Hey we are in our second year of keeping chickens. Luckily we have never lost a chicken to a predator. Our biggest predator to watch for up here in CT are hawks. We have our chickens in a very secure run and let them free range when we are outside with them which is basically daily. However two...
  10. Clairemarie1982

    Bumblefoot surgery... best way?

    Hey this is the first time one of my chickens appear to have bumblefoot. I have watched a bunch of videos and I’ve seen both cutting a straight line around the scab with a scalpel. I have also seen popping it out more or less with tweezers. Obviously I would prefer to do the second but will do...
  11. Clairemarie1982


    Hey all. This is the first time I am seeing something like this on my 1 year old chicken. Is this Bumblefoot?! I see there are a lot of posts on here how to conduct the surgery at home and just wanted to make sure before doing so! Thanks! Claire
  12. Clairemarie1982

    Rescued Girls...

    Hey all! So I seemed to have bit off more than I can chew. I currently have a dozen chickens. 9 one year olds, and 3 two month olds. Tonight I saw a post on a neighbor app that someone found 3 lost chickens down the road 5 minutes from my home. I found these 3 chickens literally standing at a...
  13. Clairemarie1982

    Integrating chicks with chickens.

    Hi! I have a flock of 9, one year old chickens. In April we got 3 new baby chicks. We kept them inside in a brooder but at 3 weeks old we started to take them outside and had them meet and play with the big chickens while they were free ranging (with our close supervision of course). At 5 weeks...
  14. Clairemarie1982

    Heating plate... fire?

    Hey! We have a few chicks in our brooder in the laundry room. We were wanting to move them to the big girl coup a little sooner than usual- it’s not heated out there. My question is can a heating plate be placed temporarily in the outdoor coop? It still gets chilly here at night and would be too...
  15. Clairemarie1982

    Preventative Care

    Hey everyone! We have a small flock of chickens (who are turning one next week). They are our very first experience with chickens and have done very well so far. We have been lucky to not lose any to pretators or disease. However I know that all can change in an instant. What I want to know is...
  16. Clairemarie1982

    Chicken Breed

    Hi! I came across an article which featured this picture (attached) and thought these chickens were so beautiful. The article did not mention the breed and I was wondering if anyone happens to know what they are? Thanks in advance! Claire
  17. Clairemarie1982


    Hi! We have a small flock of 9 chickens. I have ordered 5 ducks who will be arriving in April. To give you a quick description of the scenario- they will each have their own coop with a connected shared run. They will come out of the run daily but only with the supervision of a family member...
  18. Clairemarie1982

    Winter Laying

    Hi! We have a flock of a rooster and 8 hens which we got as day old chicks in April. It’s mid winter and we live in CT. Of my flock my silkies, lavender Orpington, buff Brahma and favaucana are all laying consistently enough that we have not had to buy eggs yet. We do not supplement lighting as...
  19. Clairemarie1982


    Hi I am confused about something maybe I can get some clarification on! So this is our first experience with chickens. I have read about the dangers of Coccidiosis and how to prevent it such as making sure the food and waterers are clean at all times from poop so they are not consuming any poop...
  20. Clairemarie1982

    Heating Water

    Hello! This is our first fall/winter with chickens. I had purchased the Little Giant Electric Heater Base back in the spring when we got the chicks. Their water has just started freezing up here in Connecticut so today I went to set up the heater. As I was about to do so I noticed in fine print...
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