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  1. TwoShepherds

    Splash Ameraucana, Black Copper Maran, and Olive Egger chicks

    Hello everyone! I'm located in Bradley County (southeastern) Tennessee, not far from Chattanooga. I have about 30 chicks available, ranging from a 2 days old to 3 weeks. They are splash ameraucanas, black copper marans, and olive eggers (ameraucana rooster over maran hens).
  2. TwoShepherds

    Egg-topsy disaster: can I help a still-live chick?

    Oh no! It's day 23---I had five eggs out of 23 that didn't hatch. After two days of no signs of life I candled the remaining eggs; they looked dead, so I cracked them for an egg-topsy like I always do with non-hatchers---only one lost a drop of blood and started wiggling after I cracked it. The...
  3. TwoShepherds

    anti-predator apron for hoop coop

    So I'm building a 2nd coop. I'm attempting a hoop coop because I have limited carpentry-skills and tools. Nothing is square, level, or centered, which drives me a bit crazy, but it is what it is. With YouTube as my teacher, this is probably the best I can do. lol. On my next days off, I need to...
  4. TwoShepherds

    Splash Ameraucana hatching eggs

    Hello all! I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for a good breeder to order blue/black/splash (and if available white) Ameraucana hatching eggs. I enjoy the easter eggers in my flock and would like to try the real thing. I've only ever had hatchery quality birds, and I was thinking...
  5. TwoShepherds

    5 week old chicks, Bradley County, TN

    Anybody want any speckled Sussex mix chicks? They're about 5 weeks old, off heat, ready to go outside. We are located in Bradley County, Cleveland/Chattanooga area. Our rooster is Speckled Sussex (rooster). Hens are Wyandotte, buff Orpington, salmon favorelles, Easter Egger, Olive Egger, Black...
  6. TwoShepherds

    Should I remove chicks from Incubator

    So, it's day 20 and nine out of twenty (chicken) eggs have hatched. It's getting a bit crowded in the incubator. I'd like to transfer the dry chicks to the brooder, but many of the other eggs have already pipped. I'm afraid if I open the incubator, I'll shrink wrap the ones that are pipping. On...
  7. TwoShepherds

    Found a rabbit under my porch this morning!

    Look everyone! I can't believe what I found under our porch this morning after work! My neighbors say they are not missing any rabbits. I've posted lost pet notifications on Craigslist and local FB pages, and later I will put up posters along our road. We are hoping to find the owners, but...
  8. TwoShepherds

    Winterizing quail coop

    I've read that quail are pretty hardy in the winter and need to be kept dry and protected from wind, rain, and snow. I've just bought a coop from a local family, and it has a wood frame with wire mesh floor, top, back and front. The left and right sides are wooden. If I covered the top and back...
  9. TwoShepherds

    What kind of incubator do you use for quail and chicken eggs?

    Hello everyone! I think I'm going to be adding some quail to our menagerie in the next few months, and I'm pretty sure that I'm going to want to hatch out some eggs eventually. What kind of incubator do you all use? I'd like it to be fully automatic and as easy for beginners as possible. I'd...
  10. TwoShepherds

    Black Jersey Giant?

    This was my free meal maker chick from Meyer Hatchery. The chicks hatched 5/18/20 and are around twelve weeks old. Does this one look like a Black Jersey Giant or something else? There's a list online that is supposed to tell you what breed they sent out on any particular date, but on ours it...
  11. TwoShepherds

    Tips for rehoming birds

    So, in a couple months, I'm planning to re-home 5-6 of my one-year old hens to make room for the new pullets (currently have the coop split in half). I guess, technically I would have room in the coop for all, but it would be at the max (with 4 square feet per chicken), and I don't really need...
  12. TwoShepherds

    Guinea hogs! Any one have pig advice?

    We’ve just added 3 guinea hog gilts to our menagerie. Yikes! This is a completely new adventure for us, but we’re excited. I’ve got a lot to learn about pig-keeping so if anyone has tips or could point me toward additional resources, I’m all ears.
  13. TwoShepherds

    Local feed stores out of chick grit, DIY versions? :(

    The local feed stores are out of chick grit. Does anyone have any DIY versions they recommend? I want to start offering my chicks small amounts of food other than their feed. I have some un-opened bags of playground sand that we haven't needed for my kids' sandbox....would that be too fine...
  14. TwoShepherds

    Broken egg in nest box

    Do chickens ever accidently break eggs while they are jostling around in the nest boxes, particularly newish layers? Twice in the last two weeks, I have found a broken egg in the girls' favorite nest box. I have twelve pullets, hatched May 13th. I think the first broken egg happened around the...
  15. TwoShepherds

    Another First Egg Thread: Two in one day!

    Our chicks were hatched May 13th, and since the days are getting shorter, I had assumed we may not get any eggs until Spring. However, this afternoon there was a tiny light brown egg in one of the nest boxes. I've never been so excited over an egg before! I can't resist sharing a few pictures...
  16. TwoShepherds

    Chicken Math: Subtraction?!

    Just wondering how you all keep your flocks at the optimum number, assuming that you want to add new birds every now and then, and at some point, have to stop building new coops and expanding your set-up. I have a plan for what to do if I ever end up with too many cockerels or a troublesome...
  17. TwoShepherds

    When do you gather eggs?

    I'm a chicken newbie, so I'm sorry if this is a silly or obvious question, but is there a time of day that hens usually prefer to lay their eggs? Do they tend to lay in the morning or afternoon, or just whenever? What time do you collect eggs or do you check multiple times a day? Not an urgent...
  18. TwoShepherds

    Easter Egger Cockerels?

    Hello all! I'm new to chickens, and am enjoying my new flock so much. I bought 13 "pullets" from Meyer's back in May. I'm sure some of them must be cockerels since sexing isn't 100% accurate, but I'm not very confident in my ability to tell them apart this young. Was wondering if some of you...
  19. TwoShepherds

    Coop and run-in-progress

    Well, my family is not that interested in talking about chickens, so I thought I'd share a few pictures of my work-in-progress with you all. Unfortunately, building my own coop and run is not an option at this time so I had to make do with what I could purchase already made or have built for me...
  20. TwoShepherds

    Blackjack 57 in high humidity?

    The coop is coming on Thursday. Hooray! It's all done except I have to put hardware cloth over the windows and put something down to protect the wood flooring. I had just about decided to use blackjack 57 on the floor instead of linoleum but am starting to get cold feet. Has anyone used...
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