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  1. P

    Raising guinea fowl keets under a Pekin bantam - help !!

    I've hatched out 2 guinea fowl keets in the incubator (rest didn't make it due to power cut, long story). They are 2 days old. I've got a broody Pekin bantam (she's been broody for about a week). So last night I put the 2 keets and about 3 of the unhatched eggs (just in case) under the bantam...
  2. P

    URGENT Hen walking in circles with head down and eyes closed

    I have 3 Rhode Island Red hens which I adopted from my father in law and added to my flock about 18 months ago, so they could be a few years older than that. Up to now they've been been fine and they have laid eggs etc, but recently all 3 looking like they are losing feathers all over or just...
  3. P

    Breeding "Leach Grey" Old English Game fowl - questions ?

    We have a couple of "Leach Grey" Old English game fowl - in the 1900s Felix Leach a horsetrainer in Newmarket in the UK developed this breed for cockfighting (no longer legal in the UK). He was the great grandfather of my husband so we have 3 Leach Greys after the breed has been passed down to...
  4. P

    How to help a grieving chicken ?

    I have two identical white hybrids (Light Sussex/Rhode Island Red crosses) that have been together at least 3 years since we bought them from the same supplier, they are part of a flock of 18. In recent weeks, one had some sort of respiratory illness (not contagious rest don't have it) and they...
  5. P

    Runner duck stopped sitting for a few hours...

    My runner duck has laid a clutch of 8 eggs and been sitting well the last 3 days on a nest in the barn. Today we had high winds and the barn door slammed and she was locked out from her nest for a period of time - could have been a few minutes but could have been as long as 2 1/2 hours until...
  6. P

    Pekin Bantam breeding advice

    So I've picked out one of my pekin bantam ladies (pretty millefleur colour and very healthy) for breeding this year with our only pekin bantam male. She has been one of his "preferred" ladies in the bantam flock over the last year. So I was going to pen them up together this week and see what...
  7. P

    Bantam lethargic, pale comb, but eating.

    I would appreciate any advice anyone can give me. I've got a flock of 20 mixed chickens and bantams including 1 bantam rooster and they are all locked down in a barn at the moment due to the Avian flu regulations in the UK. Today something's not right today with one of my little Pekin bantam...
  8. P

    Chicken lethargic and refusing food/water for a week

    I posted about this chicken about 5 days ago and she's still hanging on in there ! She's a "Blue Angel" variety and part of a free ranging flock of 14 chickens/bantams. We noticed she was lethargic about a week ago, droopy tail, head slightly to the side, standing still with eyes closed for...
  9. P

    Chicken wobbling and fading away.

    I wonder if anyone can advise me as I'm quite new to chickens.... We have a hybrid hen ("Blue angel" white with a few blue feathers). She is about 30 weeks old and I think she's been laying although difficult to tell with 14 all laying in the same nest boxes. She is in a mixed flock of 14...
  10. P

    Reintroducing incubator chicks to a brood

    Our Pekin bantam went broody and sat on a clutch of about 6 eggs, but somehow by the end of the sitting there were 16 eggs in total (added in by other bantams - once we realised this we put her in a separate run). On day 21 she hatched out 5 lovely chicks (great for our kids as we've never done...
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