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  1. happyhencamper

    Egg broken inside hen and feather eating

    I had a hen that appeared to have an egg break inside of her. Under her roost, I found the albumin and a little bit of yolk. No shell. I have an unidentified hen that lays very soft shelled eggs. I am thinking it could be her. I offer oyster shell always, bake and grind eggshells back to them...
  2. happyhencamper

    Feather casings

    Hi just curious. I have read a lot of articles on molting but have not read anything about the casings. Not sure if that is the right thing to call them. They are always all over the coop during a molt. At first I thought it was something else but always ends after the molt. Always under where...
  3. happyhencamper


    My dogs were diagnosed with Giardia yesterday. Wondering if I should treat my flock. They free range in the same backyard. One of the dogs tested positive. It was recommended we treat the other one as well. Don’t know if it can be treated in poultry or how to do it and what dose. No option to...
  4. happyhencamper

    Camera inside coop

    I was wanting to watch my girls at night with a camera just for fun. Some of them (maybe all) blink and flash. I can't have that disturbing them. Just wondered if anyone may be doing this and what they use.
  5. happyhencamper

    Blood in stool

    Had one hen with diarrhea. It seemed like it got better after treating with corid. Now today I saw this and a couple othomust’ve had diarrhea overnight as it was under the perches. I don’t know which ones. No one is acting like they are sick. The only other thing I know to do is treat for worms...
  6. happyhencamper

    Laying eggs from roost

    I have had a problem with diarrhea for two of my hens. Not sure what breed they are. I rescued them. I am thinking they are a mixed layer/meat. They are very large and gray. They have bald butts and diarrhea. I quarantined them for weeks and they seemed to be OK. I treated them with corid...
  7. happyhencamper

    Best type of winter waterer

    Looking for some opinions on the best type of heater for the water in the winter. I am in New England and in the past used these big red, raised sort of hot plates. They took up a lot of room and stopped shutting of in the warmer days. The water was actually hot on occasion. I tossed them...
  8. happyhencamper

    Solved How to post an update

    Hello all wondering how I post updates on my posts? I have just been replying to who last added to my post.
  9. happyhencamper

    Update on crop probo

    Poop is now hard no more diarrhea for 2 days. Massaging crop several times a day. Never smelled anything indicative to sour crop but have last few days. A burst of cow manure smell/ chicken poo comes out of her mouth while massaging. 4 days into nystan treatment 2x a day. Crop still not...
  10. happyhencamper

    Crop Issues Again

    I massage several times a day and give her coconut oil and nystatin 2x per day. No smell and no longer squishy but will continue just in case as she also had liquid diarrhea. Today for the first time I saw formed small white caps (2), I get my feed from a local feed store and always have...
  11. happyhencamper

    Sour crop hold food and water?

    Hen looks like she is dry heaving. I posted an article previously about her. I’m going to separate her again. I have put her back. Now, after seeing this, she needs to go back in quarantine. She also is moving her beak, as if smacking her lips. My question is I’m going to start the nystatin...
  12. happyhencamper

    Molting and corid

    Girls 2,4,8, and 10 Molting badly. One by one they are all getting diarrhea. Thought I would start with corid as I don’t have to touch them. I don’t want to stress them more. I was thinking wait out the molt and treat for worms and coccidiosis. Thoughts? No change to food. Layer crumble and...
  13. happyhencamper

    Can molting cause diarrhea

    Heavily molting hens. A few with diarrhea. One of them seems to not be emptying the crop. I posted another thread about that. It is hard to do any treatments because they are full and I mean full of pinfeathers. Can they get diarrhea just from molting? Isn’t it going to be hard on them to...
  14. happyhencamper

    Dose for nystatin

    Anyone know dose for nystatin for sour crop? I want to use syringe
  15. happyhencamper

    Reasons for crop not emptying other then sour crop

    3.5 year old easter egger not running towards food thrown with other hens. Standing by herself. Roosting in nest box. Drinking lots of water but not as much as I have seen others do in the past. Feathers puffed at neck and head area. Beak area does not have any smell. Separated from others...
  16. happyhencamper

    Blisters on bottom

    What’s this The yellow crusty stuff is nu stock but looks like blisters
  17. happyhencamper

    Hard neck crop full overnight

    Had exact same problem before with 2 other hens Tried everything ended up euthanizing one as she suffered for three weeks. I want to do it right this time, so need some guidance. These things happen every time I am going to leave for vacation. I am leaving for two weeks and won’t be able to...
  18. happyhencamper

    Solved Finding my previous posts

    How do I find my previous posts.
  19. happyhencamper

    Throwing straw on her back

    My hen Daenerys was making me laugh. She looks so silly. Has anyone ever seen a Chicken picking up pieces of hay or straw and throwing them on their back and continuing to do it. She was in the nest box just prior to that Just curious to know what she was doing and why
  20. happyhencamper

    Water stool

    Had one of my girls run past me and shoot out complete clear water. Very strange. It was a hot day and they were drinking a lot. She is the one doing an early spring molt not sure if there is any correlation.
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