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  1. SpicyDisaster

    Cockerel Sudden Swollen Eye

    Hello, Our 4 month Welsummer cockerel presented with a swollen eye this afternoon. He appeared normal yesterday. No other chickens impacted. He appears normal otherwise, eating and drinking. Hubby just set him up a spot in the garage. We had a hawk incident yesterday and today was really foggy...
  2. SpicyDisaster

    What age do you choose cockerels for breeding project?

    Newbie with ambitious plans. At what age do you typically choose your breeder? I presume hitting sexual maturity at a minimum which can vary pretty breed. Right now I have 5 Ameraucanas to choose from and will have Welsummer and French Black Copper Marans on the next round.
  3. SpicyDisaster

    Twisted toes - 15wk cockerel

    Not an emergency though it determines ultimate food status of our little guy. About three weeks ago I noticed our Easter Egger cockerel had slightly odd toes. When we came back from vacation they had gotten more pronounced. What would cause this? Is it genetic defect or a physical injury? He...
  4. SpicyDisaster

    8 Weeks Ameraucanas and an Easter Egger - Gender Identification

    All birds are from Cackle Hatchery and are straight run (yes I know hatchery are not the best for breeding but since it's the first project I'm trying it is what it is). Photos are attached as inserting was going to take forever and a day. I got a profile, face, side, and top photo of each...
  5. SpicyDisaster

    Ameraucauna - Color/Feather Grow In Sexing?

    We have 12 straight run Americaunas that are 2.5 and 1.5 weeks. Obviously too early to sex as much as I want to know right now. In reading up more on some threads I noticed mention that you can tell gender by dark/light coloring on the Blues and by the rate of feathers growing in. Is this legit...
  6. SpicyDisaster

    2.5wk Chick Black Toe - Goner?

    Fluke accident discovered tonight. One of our 2.5 week old chicks had a black toe with a clump of poop. I initially thought it'd walked through some cecal poo and it dried on the foot so I didn't think much of it this morning heading into work as she was acting completely normal, jumping into my...
  7. SpicyDisaster

    Do incubators need to be full?

    I'll keep searching the forum but does anyone know about the impact of running an incubator when it's only half full? I'm trying to decide between an EX 28 or an EX 56. Currently the cost difference is $10 via Amazon or $100 via the website. For the next year or so I'd only need the 28 size but...
  8. SpicyDisaster

    2022 Chicks - Cackle Experience

    IT'S TIME!:celebrate:celebrateStarting a thread to track the experience and post follow ups as the chicks grow. First order of the season: At 11:50AM the last leg of the countdown began with an email from Cackle saying the order has shipped. :wee Wait... not exactly. A shipping label has...
  9. SpicyDisaster

    Seed Identification - Cover Crop Mix

    I got a sampling of cover crop mix at a seed swap year before last and I'm not sure what is in the mix. Can anyone else identify the different seeds? I'm pretty sure I see clover (small balls) and triticale (long seeds). Are the large balls peas of some variety? What could they be? Thanks!
  10. SpicyDisaster

    Age difference with chicks

    Our order of chicks is shipping 2/28. We were supposed to be going to Hawaii Monday for two weeks but kiddo popped a positive COVID test so I'm thinking I need some sooner chicks in my life for consolation reasons 🤣😭 Would two weeks age difference be too much? I've done one week difference...
  11. SpicyDisaster

    SpicyDisaster's CoopShed Build-A-Long

    So..... after a year of discussion (aka me discussing and he overhears), hubby has agreed that I need more chickens in my life and we should build a larger shed/shop to accommodate my increasing obsession with All Things Chickens. Well... he didn't agree on the need part but since I want it we...
  12. SpicyDisaster

    Chicken-themed Stickers: Hit me with your favorites!

    New water bottles and a gun safe means it's time for new sticker bling, whoot! What are your favorite chicken-themed stickers? I'll start with the one I have coming already:
  13. SpicyDisaster

    DUPLICATE IGNORE PLEASE Chicken-themed Stickers: Hit me with your favorites!

    New water bottles and a gun safe means it's time for new sticker bling, whoot! What are your favorite chicken-themed stickers? I'll start with the one I have coming already:
  14. SpicyDisaster

    White Laced Red Cornish - Wyandotte?

    Newbie to genetics and am definitely in up to my eyeballs absorbing information. One thing that caught my attention is the existence of white lacing in Cornish but not in Wyandottes. Any idea why that is? Is it not possible to have white laced Wyandottes?
  15. SpicyDisaster

    Momma Hen - When do they cut the cord and lay again? 13 weeks now

    Our pullet Ancona Ferdie went broody and hatched out two chicks from eggs given to us by a neighbor (only one of which survived). Ferdie is now 9 months old and Oreo is 13 weeks. There is no more calling for food by momma and momma will go into the nesting boxes for a time for several weeks now...
  16. SpicyDisaster

    Vent - Yellow crust

    Soooo what do you think I'm looking at here on my Buff Orpington pullet? Only one of our girls has this going on and we just realized it today. She is going through a super slow first molt at 9 months old. Seems perfectly normal and the only reason I caught it was her sister just had a weird...
  17. SpicyDisaster

    Bully Situation Caught on Camera

    While testing out camera functionality and effectiveness before installing it in our coop, I captured this gem on video. We've known for a while that Silver the EE was bottom of the pecking order along with another EE. It seems like only Silver was winding up with feather damage on her back...
  18. SpicyDisaster

    SpicyDisaster Garden Paradise Project

    Starting this thread to record the progress of turning a wheat field into a garden/chicken paradise. At least that is my goal... we shall see how it turns out. I grew up in the Seattle area but I've always dreamt about getting away from the people and living off the land. I've started and left...
  19. SpicyDisaster

    Winter Eggs = Cold, Counter Safe?

    First winter with chickens and it's got me to thinking. The general consensus I've heard is that if you refrigerate an egg it has to stay refrigerated, you won't want to put it back on the countertop. So how does this relate to the eggs when it's freezing cold outside? I usually grab eggs...
  20. SpicyDisaster

    8 Wks Barnyard Mix - Cockerel?

    Hello! We picked up some eggs from a neighbor with multiple roos when our Ferdie went broody. We have only one chick out of that endeavor and have never had a cockerel so I'm just not sure. Though I am pretty sure s/he's got Maran genes. Hubby and I are on the cockerel train: 1) he sounds like...
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